Analysis Of Three Sisters By Bi Feiyu in Questions

Categories: Fiction
  1. What context does the poem established?
  2. Three Sisters by Bi Feiyu is a tragicomic novel, a joking farce, around three sisters in the Wang family living in Wang Family Village in country China: "Numerous rustic towns are populated basically by families with a similar surname." The novel opens in 1971 and closes in 1982. It is organized like three novellas however it is portrayed by the publisher as a novel. The book's quality, and furthermore its shortcoming, is that it is fundamentally compromised of character ponders without a considerable measure of plot.

    This can make it less open to a few readers. All through the novel, the creator uses Chinese maxims, apothegms and proverbs to make focuses. It turns out sounding something like a Greek tune, adding a comic component to what is frequently lamentable or disastrous. It is likewise exceptionally culture-particular which makes it harder to access for some readers.

  3. What could be the persona and addressee in the novel?
  4. The personas in the novel are the three sisters namely Yumi Wang, Yuxio Wang and Yuyang Wang while the addressees are readers who are familiar with Chinese literature and culture.

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  5. What is the persona’s desire as revealed by the line?
  6. Yumi will utilize her poise, Yuxiu her forces of enchantment, and Yuyang her desire—all with an end goal to take control of their reality, their bodies, and their lives as they endeavor to change the course of their predeterminations and fight against an “infinite ocean of people” in a China that does not genuinely have a place with them.

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  7. How do you describe the mood or atmosphere that prevails in the novel? What idea is mainly emphasized by the novel?
  8. "Three Sisters" mirrors the social wonder and issues in the 1970s and '80s. However, it resounds not just with the readers who encountered those periods, yet in addition youthful readers. It also shows the unfortunate sentiments of three country girls in a society distorted by power relations. The novel also tackles ethics, politics, power and family.

  9. What seems to be the conflicting situation being experienced by the persona?
  10. All three sisters are drawn to the city for different reasons. Yumi looks for the security of a more established man with a remnant of intensity. As a loyal spouse she picks up a vocation and some standing. Yuxiu turns into the casualty of a demonstration of vengeance against her philandering father and takes after her sister to get away from the insults of the villagers, yet as she crosses the lines drawn by Yumi catastrophe quickly takes after. While Yuyang, a simple country girl, disengaged from human warmth, she finds that diligent work satisfies when she is educated on her kindred understudies. In any case, this pitiful accomplishment claims an overwhelming cost.

  11. How does the persona feel about the situation?
  12. Despite the fact that the three sisters are compensated for their constancy in an overwhelmingly sexist society, their little gains are effectively beaten by their setbacks.

  13. Who is mainly being referred to in the novel?
  14. The novel is mainly being referred to the three sisters namely Yumi Wang, Yuxio Wang and Yuyang Wang.

Updated: Feb 15, 2024
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Analysis Of Three Sisters By Bi Feiyu in Questions. (2024, Feb 15). Retrieved from

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