Analysis Of The Ordering Of Costco

Categories: Company

The world is made of different types of order. Within those orders, there are more orders that help that system of order function. Costco presents an ordering of the world. Costco orders the products that are common into aisles. Upon entering Costco, you have to show your membership card. The first thing that is seen is the electronic sections. This includes cameras, computers, printers, and televisions. To the right are some products that are more expensive and temporary displays. Continuing deeper into the store, there are promotions for cell phone providers or for air conditioning.

The center of the store contains housing items, such as couches, and clothing. These products are usually closer to the cashiers registers. In the back of the center portion, there are books, toys, socks, and seasonal items. There are approximately twenty aisles, ten on each side of the store. Most products are placed into aisles that are common. Others are may not be, so there might be a need to hunt for it.

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At the end of the aisles, there are usually sales for certain items. For example, there was a special of two boxes of Lucky Charms Unicorn edition for four dollars. Towards the back is where the fresh food is placed.

In the back of the store, there are practical things, like toilet paper, paper towels, waters, diapers, and animal food. On the right side of the store, there is a refrigerated section of food. In those aisles of the right side, there are food samples given out by Costco employees.

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Healthy foods and snacks are usually places in the front portion of the right side of the Costco. There is also a portion of shampoos, toothpastes, soaps, razors, and vitamins in the front right side. There are cashier registers in the center. Past the cashier registers, there is a optical department. Towards exiting Costco, there is a promotion of a new car and a counter for returning items. When you are about to leave Costco, you must show your receipt to an employee.

Costco is an example of the fifth principle of heterotopias. This means that the store is a system of opening and closing that isolates and is still penetrable. Costco is an example of the fifth principle because of the use of membership cards upon entering. Also, the presentation of the receipt once you are leaving. Costco is also an example of the sixth principle of heterotopias. The sixth principle is the ordering of everything that has something in common together. The aisles in Costco has similar items, so the members are not running around the store to find what they want or need. Items are placed on the outside of the aisles with sales to grab the attention of the shoppers.

Costco is a representation of the economy episteme. The ordering in Costco relates to what people need for survival, as well as to what they desire. Costco popularize the wants first and the needs second. The wants pull shoppers in, but the needs bring them in further. There is a small chance for people to purchase luxurious products, but there is certainty that people are there to purchase food essentials. The ordering of the luxurious items and the essentials in Costco help fuel the economy.

Updated: Feb 28, 2024
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Analysis Of The Ordering Of Costco. (2024, Feb 28). Retrieved from

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