An Interpretation of Horace's Art of Poetry

Categories: Art

The epistle from Horace's Art of Poetry was not simply a guide for excellent literature, however it was a sophisticated writing that showed his concepts and knowledge, and the contemporary Hellenistic influence on the Romans.

Horace's profound work plainly asserted his position as a literary master. Throughout his letter to Piso, he was able to make his description intriguing and description convincing. He exhibited his knowledge in literature by presenting in-depth guidelines to write proficiently. Amongst his tips, he stressed precision, good iambic lines, and appropriate literary styles and formats.

He also stressed on the value to pursue unity, as the composing would lose strength without coherence. If he were not a master at literature, he would not have the ability to talk about the technical details in depth. Additionally, Horace was not only a male with recognized achievements, but he was likewise a male with fantastic principles. With lots of people yearning for success, he described Rome as "a nation greedy simply for fame" (129 ).

He slammed the Romans for being indulgent and materialistic.

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Since everybody was so absorbed in generating income, he asked, "what poems can we expect to compose worth covering with protective oils and saving in fine wood?" (129 ). To Horace, cash was not the primary inspiration to pursue his writing career, which discussed why Horace declined Augustus's offer to become his secretary, which was an honorable position for a released guy. With his fantastic virtues and morals, Horace was unquestionably one of the finest poets in the Roman Empire.

Horace's writings revealed the dominant Hellenistic influence.

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They were eloquent and highly intellectual, much nearer to that of the scholarly Greek writers of the Hellenistic period. He showed that he possessed deep knowledge of the Greek literature, since he often referred to Greek writers and to their plays. In his letter to Piso, he used Homer's Odyssey as an example of great literature. "Make your models Greek," as Horace declared, "and turn their pages nightly; turn them daily too" (127). This indicated his fondness of the Greek models. In addition, he mentioned that poets "[sung] about Italian themes in tragedies and comedies attired in Roman clothes" (128). Evidently, Hellenism had impacted not only Horace, but also the contemporary poets. By observing how Hellenism had revolutionized the theoretical thinking of the poet of Rome, one can conclude that the impact of Hellenism was unquestionably prominent.

Horace's work of art demonstrated his expertise in writing, as well as the Hellenistic influence on Roman writers. Horace declared, "To flee vice is the beginning of virtue, and to have got rid of folly is the beginning of wisdom." And Horace's wisdom had presented new insights to the ancient Roman Empire. In studying Horace's polished writings and distinguished qualities, scholars can further investigate how Greek culture had progressively integrated itself to the ancient Roman's lives.

J. Atchity, Kennedy. The Classical Roman Reader. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997

Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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An Interpretation of Horace's Art of Poetry essay
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