An Analysis of Dylan Thomas “ Do not Go gentle into that Good night”

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Dylan Thomas wrote this poem for his passing away daddy, it was released on December 16, 1952, in addition to six other poems in" In Country Sleep ". The Poem is a villanelle. It is comprised of five tercets, a system of 3 lines of verse, followed by a quatrain, an unit of 4 lines of verse. It is a lyric poem. It makes of rhymes on every other line of the poem. Dylan also utilizes the repeating of a specific line to put his point across.

" Do not go carefully into that good night" is a passionate poem about combating death.

Dylan Thomas uses metaphors in explaining the pain of death and how one need to fight versus it. He compares death to darkness, as a line recurring indicate this "Rage, rage versus the dying of the light". In this poem, Dylan Thomas discusses life, and reminds the reader why life deserves defending. He recommends images that call to mind, days in a life of a man, when there was laughter and merrymaking, as seen in such lines as these "Wild men who captured and sang the sun in flight".

The poem's main theme is defending life.

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It is an impassioned plea to his father to stick on to presence and not be carried into the darkness. Dylan Thomas words reverberates in one's head as he appears to plead frantically that life not be provided up so easily.

The poem can also be applied in the lives of individuals who are not in threat of dying.

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It seems to call out to the living to live their lives to the max and not yield to the darkness of lack of knowledge and worry. This lyrical poem appears to be something a young person may compose, for it has plenty of bravery and invincibility- much like what teens or children would feel. Dylan then uses the components of age. A young adult, full of life asks somebody to hang on a little bit longer in the same method that he most likely held vigil next to his cherished dad.

Dylan’s seemingly simple poem is actually very inspiring because it holds a message of hope. It draws the audience in and then encourages them to examine their existence and ask if one is happy or contented. If not, then Dylan’s battle cry is more than enough to kindle a light in a reader’s heart. It is his proclamation of existence, his fervor to “ Rage against the Dying of the Light” that is contagious and that enables him to engage readers and hold their attention and truly fight the darkness within and with out , much like how Dylan continuously did for his father, to whom this poem was written for.

"Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night: Critical Overview.


" Poetry for Students. 1998. Ed. Marie Rose Napierkowski. Vol. 1. Detroit: Gale,

January 2006. 1 May 2008. <>.

Thomas, Dylan. “Do not go gently into that Good Night” 2007., from the Academy of American            Poets. Retrieved 29 April 2005 from

Updated: Apr 19, 2023
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An Analysis of Dylan Thomas “ Do not Go gentle into that Good night”. (2017, Feb 25). Retrieved from

An Analysis of Dylan Thomas “ Do not Go gentle into that Good night” essay
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