Rising Interest in Anonymous Job Applications Worldwide

The use of anonymous or "blind" application process is gaining interest across the world. There are several ways to use blind applications to achieve a better (not perfect) outcome while continuing to use use algorithms.8

If Amazon re-worked their algorithms, one step they could take would be to have their coders refactor the code to remove categorizing identifiers, such as name, in order to eliminate that stage of hiring bias.9

By de-identifying application documents, Amazon will ensure a larger pool of applicants make it through the algorithm process.

We all know that hiring for culture fit can be self-reinforcing and it seems like hiring is now more like finding someone compatible enough to date so what can Amazon do to correct this issue? It's been suggested that the blind application process can be a unique way of carrying out talent selection and may be worth considering if you work in an industry such as technology that tends to be dominated by a single demographic.

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Also,Anonymous or blind processes for reviewing applicant's resumes is a tactic that companies are employing as a key to solving reducing selection processes bias.

Man-made algorithms are capable of making mistakes or being erroneous, as we have learned by Amazon's mistake.

It is the moral responsibility of an organization to ensure that discrimination based on race, class, orientation, age, sex, etc. does not make its' way to the forefront of the hiring process.

One way this can be accomplished is by using a 3rd party vendor to audit the companies' algorithms.

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These companies audit existing algorithms for accuracy, bias, consistency, transparency, fairness, and timeliness then provides the necessary remedies if it finds any of those issues to be present.

We all know that algorithms are capable of making mistakes just as we have seen represented by the problems Amazon faced by having faulty data entered into the AI which then caused a significant amount of biaso be present in their hiring process. So another way Amazon can look to remedy the problem is to make sure that all HR manager's using algorithms need to be aware of its drawbacks and have a plan for dealing with them. With that in mind, using a reputable 3rd party algorithm auditing company to audit the existing algorithms and then applying the corrections to their algorithms is a responsible way to show they care about the people they are trying to employ.

Amazon needs to rebuild its companies culture in order to attract and retain a diverse, loyal team.11 They can accomplish this by providing a work environment that supports minorities, incorporates a collaborative setting, and puts employees and culture first.12 According to Marissa Levin, INC Magazine, "It's true that culture eats strategy for breakfast. If you want your company to thrive, you need people that love your culture.

Lastly, a strong company culture focused on people has profound appeal. If Amazon rebuilds its' company's culture to be more inclusive and works hard to build teams that are cohesive yet diverse they will be able to attract, employ and retain employees that will not only be more productive but can transform them into advocates.

Updated: Apr 29, 2023
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Rising Interest in Anonymous Job Applications Worldwide. (2019, Dec 19). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/amazon-ai-essay

Rising Interest in Anonymous Job Applications Worldwide essay
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