Changing Student Perceptions of Homework with Age and Maturity

The very idea of maturity has endured lengths and varieties if interpretations in both the literatures of psychology and education. Primary theories of personality as well as the development of the child suggest that one of the main aims of the socialization process is maturity. The school, being one of the learning institutions in the society, is one of the agents that advance this aim. However, one question is worth considering: do student’s views of homework change with age and maturity?

Elizabeth Meyers Hyde (1976) argues that maturity repetitively comes-up as a related element in having an understanding of the behavior of children (Hyde, 1976, p. 142)—especially when it comes to homework.

Her research emphasizes the idea that the word “maturity” is well known among the common man, and that affairs referring to the idea of immaturity commonly result to referrals to schools or institutions that give psychological assistance and child guidance offices.

It can be noted that, while the school is inclined to develop the well-being and personality of the child, the pressures from homework also contribute to either the decrease or the increase in the young learner’s perception towards homework.

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Peggy Riggs Wildman (1968) suggests that a couple of physical disorders arise from these homework pressures, including ulcers as well as emotional instability (Wildman, 1968, p. 203). One of two things can be the resulting consequence: either the child gets to handle the situation and adapt to the pressure or the child becomes weakened by it.

This leads to the idea that, as the child grows with age and maturity, the student’s perception towards homework changes as well.

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Aaron Pallas (1993) further suggests that there is indeed a strong relationship or correlation between the direction of the lives of students and schooling. In his research, he argues that the presence of numerous homework, being integral parts of schooling, contribute to the social roles these students perform and to the attitude of these students towards homework (Pallas, 1993, p.

411). Thus, it can be argued that, while students constantly immerse themselves with homework throughout the course of their schooling years, they have either standing or shifting views toward their homework. This argument is further reinforced by the idea espoused by Lyn Corno (1996), arguing that students continue to struggle with the increasing difficulties of homework as demanded or required by their increasing academic level.

It is argued that, as time ripens the intellectual capacity of students, their maturity levels largely shape their corresponding views towards schooling depending on the increasing difficulty of the discipline’s homework (Corno, 1996, p. 29). Since homework is central to schooling, it is inevitable that the views of students towards homework will also change. Nicholas Vincent (1957) clearly identifies the idea that age and maturity both have a direct relationship with education.

As the individual student matures while spending years in the academe, the student acquires or develops several changing perceptions towards education (Vincent, 1957, p. 222). More specifically, a college student treats homework quite differently to that of a kindergarten or elementary student. The perceived difference rests on the fact that the mental and the emotional maturity of the student have effects on one’s capability to handle the pressure of homework.

While the carefree young learner may have little concern over the most basic homework, the college undergraduate student may have a great deal of concern over the mere presence of homework. With all these things in mind, it can hardly be doubted that there is a relation between age or maturity and the student’s perception towards homework. In essence, the student’s views of homework change with age and maturity. References Corno, L. (1996). Homework Is a Complicated Thing. Educational Researcher, 25(8), 27-30. Hyde, E.

M. (1976). A Behavioral Study of Maturity in Children of Elementary-School Age. The Elementary School Journal, 77(2), 140-149. Pallas, A. M. (1993). Schooling in the Course of Human Lives: The Social Context of Education and the Transition to Adulthood in Industrial Society. Review of Educational Research, 63(4), 409-447. Vincent, N. M. (1957). Age, "Ages," and Efficient Education. Peabody Journal of Education, 34(4), 220-223. Wildman, P. R. (1968). Homework Pressures. Peabody Journal of Education, 45(4), 202-204.

Updated: Nov 20, 2023
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Changing Student Perceptions of Homework with Age and Maturity essay
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