A Review of The Truman Show, a Movie by Peter Weir

Overall, 1 really enjoyed this movie. I liked how this movie created a fun atmosphere without being overly comedic where the point is not able to come across. I also enjoyed the hint of a spiritual aspect [O the movie. I thought it was very thought-provoking the way that they intentionally made this movie reflect God and his creation. An example of this can be seen in the way that they named the TV show producer. His name was Christot. The name Christof has the name Christ in it.

In the movie Christot acted a bit like Christ in the way that he controlled everything on the show. Another way that the movie reflected God and creation can be seen in the way that the TV show was set up. An example of this can be seen in the way that the set was set up like a real city. Christof created the “world” in which Truman lived in. The last way that this can be seen is the way that Christof was able to change the weather, when the sun rose, and the characters actions just by saying so.

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This reflects when God created the world. God said “Let there be light” and there was, This movie challenged the way that I thought about truth during the whole movie, but especially at the end where Christof is talking to Truman. Christof says “There's no more truth out there than there is in the world I created for you. Same lies. The same deceit.

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But in my world, you have nothing to fear." I think this really impacted me because in the world that was created for Truman. everything was a lie. This implies that everything in the outside world is also a lie. A question that I had after thinking about this was. If everything in the real world is a lie, what is the truth? I think a major theme in this movie is about what truth is. I read the movie review from pluggedin.ca (attached is a copy of the online review.) I enjoy reading movie reviews from this website because they say whether the movie is family friendly or not.

I like what the review has to say about being a bystander. In the movie there were many people who tuned into watching the “Truman Show" on TV. They were not interested in making a life for themselves. All they did was watch Truman in his life.  think ihat this movie was trying to teach the viewers to nm jusi to accept what is presemed to us. We have to think critically about it ourselves. This is very well accomplished in this movie. [think one line in the movie speaks to this nicely. "We accept the reality of the wurld with which we're presented"

Updated: Aug 09, 2022
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A Review of The Truman Show, a Movie by Peter Weir. (2022, Aug 09). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/a-review-of-the-truman-show-a-movie-by-peter-weir-essay

A Review of The Truman Show, a Movie by Peter Weir essay
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