A Materialistic Society

Categories: MaterialismSociety

A happy life is more important than anything someone can buy in a store. It’s not a physical thing nor is it materialistic. Society has come to orbit around the quality of things they can buy to impress the neighbors and to show off how much money they have invested. They want the shinier, the bigger house, and the greener lawn. It doesn’t matter how expensive your car is or how big of a house you have. Material possessions are great for only so long, but nothing lasts forever.

Society shouldn’t be focusing so much on materialistic things that can always be replaced, when memories are out there to be made.

Today, life is being lived too fast. No one slows down to enjoy their life. We should all get off the train once in a while and experience things at our own pace. In today’s society, life is about how successful a person can be, how much money they can earn, and how much nice stuff they have.

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Society’s prime focus is mainly about materialism instead of the more important things in life such as family.

According to New York Times there are statistics stating that “materialism is bad for you” In Lexington Massachusetts, a psychologist and couples therapist named Aline Zoldbrod says” A husband and wife no longer connect, they are so exhausted from the pursuit of nicer things ( a big house, private school for the kids, fancy cars) that they are time starved and depleted.

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Life is luxurious yet unsatisfying and simply no fun”. Now, children are starting school around three and four years old.

People are even staying in school longer. Now instead of going to get a job, when a student graduates high school, they immediately go to college. After college, they go to work. At this job they will have a 401K and a pension plan. They will work at this job for over twenty years. During these twenty years, they will raise a family and put them through school. The cycle has begun again for another generation. While working this job, people in society are expected to support their family financially.

Parents are too busy working to notice their child’s life is passing them by. It is understandable after all, with the cost of living increasing, parents have to work more hours to make ends meet. Everything a family is doing in today’s society is either to save money or to earn more money. For example, every store has some kind of sale going on at any given time to try and get more business so they can make more money. When did society start worrying more about their financial situation rather than the quality of their life?

A person can have all the money in the world but that doesn’t mean they lead a happy and fulfilled life. Life shouldn’t be about having the best things possible, but rather having the best times possible. Life has become too rigid and too structured that no one even has time to sit back and relax. It’s important to make time for yourself and for your family because you can’t take back time you can only pass it. Everyone is constantly running and looking for ways to make their life easier and ways to make things faster so they can fit more things into their schedules.

A persons life is so busy because of the almighty quest for more money. A happy life is more important than anything someone can buy in a store or online. Its not a physical thing nor is it materialistic. Its life and you only live once so you need to make the best of it, and enjoy the little things. If you just make a little less room for the materialistic things that can be easily replaced, and a little more room for memories that are out there to be made.

Updated: Feb 22, 2021
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A Materialistic Society. (2016, Dec 27). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/a-materialistic-society-essay

A Materialistic Society essay
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