“A Different Mirror” by Ronald Takaki

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In the book, “A Different Mirror” by author Ronald Takaki is an interesting chapter by the title of “The Promised Land” where I will discuss the pros and cons that African Americans must face.

The years 1910-1920 we learn about migration of African Americans as they head toward complete freedom. During the movement of the population, there was a spreading out of this race across the nation and a negative effect from this movement would be the huge scattering of the African American race.

Families were separated more than they had ever been before with many migrating to the west coast.

A positive effect from this migration would be that the African Americans could gain better employment and had a broader range of opportunities due to the migrations.

As this group moved to other areas they did encounter violence by gangs and resistance from the white population. Communities began changing as the African American race moved in, while the Caucasian race weren’t comfortable with this new migration.

The African American group began gaining more control as they started their own groups ran by their own race.

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This was good for the Negro population as they were able to voice their own concerns to the public and feel as they had room to grow in society. The Negros had a new sense of who they were and a new sense of identity while white liberals and the new Negro movement began to grow in the Arts and Entertainment industry.

The Depression showed a decline in Harlem’s population as the African American population continued to migrate as they searched for employment.

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There was much discrimination for Negroes but on the positive side, there were many positive changes for the population as there were labor and union changes concerning this group.  There was more WPA support, along with the help from the Democratic Party.

Discrimination was always evident which held a negative impact for the African Americans but with the support from men such as W.E.B. Dubois, there was more leadership for this group.

 African Americans were learning everyday about who they were, where they were going and who they wanted to be. Although, the negative impacts from the white race was always evident, the African American population pushed ahead, moved to better places where they could gain employment and move up in society as they worked toward better living arrangements and more acceptance from all Americans.

Working harder made all gains more appreciated, while the African Americans worked toward gaining complete freedom and acceptance. More and more leaders stood up and empowered the Negro population which gave them more confidence as they migrated across America, searching for a better way of life.

 African Americans were more concerned about their rights in the workplace and in schools as better opportunities presented themselves. This group grew stronger which was a positive effect while still on the negative side, they always felt less worthy than other groups in America.


Updated: Aug 11, 2021
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“A Different Mirror” by Ronald Takaki. (2017, Mar 25). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/a-different-mirror-by-ronald-takaki-essay

“A Different Mirror” by Ronald Takaki essay
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