A Critical Assessment of David Foster Wallace's 'Consider the Lobster'

Categories: Book Review


David Foster Wallace, an influential figure in contemporary literature, has left an indelible mark with his thought-provoking essays. One of his most renowned pieces, "Consider the Lobster," has garnered significant attention and acclaim. In this essay, we embark on a critical analysis of "Consider the Lobster," delving into the intricacies of Wallace's writing, the ethical dilemmas he explores, and the impact he leaves on his readers.

"Consider the Lobster" was originally published in Gourmet Magazine in 2004, positioning it within a unique context—a food and lifestyle magazine that typically steers clear of controversial subject matter.

The choice of such an unconventional platform adds a layer of intrigue to the essay's content. The essay's title, "Consider the Lobster," is equally enigmatic, raising questions about what it means to truly consider the lives of creatures we consume. As we dive into this analysis, we will navigate the depths of Wallace's exploration of ethics, his employment of literary techniques, and the lasting impact this essay has had on its readers.

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Our journey through "Consider the Lobster" will uncover the ethical considerations woven into the narrative, shedding light on the complex questions Wallace poses. Additionally, we will examine the literary techniques that make this essay a compelling read, including his distinctive narrative voice and use of humor. Lastly, we will explore the essay's impact on its audience, considering the emotional and intellectual responses it evokes and the potential transformative effect it has on readers.

As we embark on this critical analysis, we will gain a deeper appreciation for David Foster Wallace's ability to provoke thought and challenge norms through his writing.

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"Consider the Lobster" not only invites us to contemplate the ethics of our choices but also showcases the power of literature to engage and inspire change.

Understanding the Context

To truly appreciate "Consider the Lobster" and its impact, it is essential to understand the context in which David Foster Wallace penned this essay. Originally published in Gourmet Magazine in 2004, this essay was not what one might expect to find in a publication primarily focused on food and lifestyle. This juxtaposition of subject matter against the magazine's usual content adds depth and intrigue to the essay. It forces readers to confront an uncomfortable truth—our collective indifference to the suffering of the creatures we consume.

The title itself, "Consider the Lobster," is cryptic yet thought-provoking. Wallace challenges us to ponder the moral implications of our choices, even in something as seemingly mundane as a food festival. By choosing this title, he invites readers to contemplate the ethical dimension of consuming animals. What does it mean to truly consider the lives of the creatures we consume, and how do our choices reflect on our values as a society?

Moreover, "Consider the Lobster" was written in a time when discussions about animal rights and ethical consumption were gaining momentum. The essay's publication in Gourmet Magazine, known for its culinary delights, underscores the need for such discussions within mainstream culture. In this context, David Foster Wallace's essay becomes a catalyst for a larger conversation about our relationship with animals and the ethical dilemmas surrounding their treatment.

As we dissect the essay's content and themes, it is crucial to keep this contextual backdrop in mind. Understanding the unusual platform and thought-provoking title of "Consider the Lobster" helps us appreciate the audacity and relevance of Wallace's work in pushing the boundaries of conventional discourse.

Ethical Considerations

David Foster Wallace's "Consider the Lobster" delves deep into the realm of ethical considerations, challenging readers to confront their moral stance on the treatment of animals. Throughout the essay, Wallace presents a compelling argument that goes beyond a simple discussion of lobster cooking techniques; it touches on fundamental questions about our responsibility toward other living beings.

One of the key ethical dilemmas Wallace raises is the treatment of lobsters at the Maine Lobster Festival. He vividly describes the boiling process lobsters undergo, forcing readers to grapple with the question of whether such practices can be justified in the name of culinary tradition and pleasure. Wallace's use of descriptive language and vivid imagery serves to heighten the ethical discomfort, making readers acutely aware of the suffering these creatures endure.

Furthermore, Wallace employs rhetorical techniques to persuade readers to reconsider their attitudes. He avoids preaching or imposing his viewpoint but instead invites readers to engage with the ethical dilemma themselves. This approach is effective in fostering critical thinking and self-examination, encouraging readers to consider the broader implications of their choices beyond the context of the essay.

Through his exploration of ethical issues in "Consider the Lobster," Wallace reminds us that our everyday actions, such as the food we consume, have ethical consequences. He prompts us to consider the often-overlooked ethical dimension of our choices and challenges us to take responsibility for them. In doing so, he advocates for a more thoughtful and compassionate approach to the treatment of animals, leaving a lasting impact on readers' ethical perspectives.

In the next section, we will delve into the literary techniques employed by David Foster Wallace in "Consider the Lobster," shedding light on how these techniques contribute to the essay's overall impact.

Literary Techniques

David Foster Wallace's literary prowess shines brightly in "Consider the Lobster." As readers dissect this essay, they encounter a masterful blend of narrative techniques and stylistic choices that elevate the text beyond a mere exploration of ethics. Wallace's unique writing style and rhetorical devices add depth to the essay's content, making it a thought-provoking and engaging read.

One of the standout features of Wallace's writing in this essay is his distinctive narrative voice. He adopts a curious and self-reflective tone, allowing readers to accompany him on his journey of discovery and moral questioning. This narrative voice humanizes the author, making the essay more relatable and accessible to a wide range of readers.

Additionally, Wallace's use of humor and irony throughout the essay serves to both entertain and provoke thought. He employs wit and sarcasm to subtly critique the absurdity of certain cultural practices and societal norms. This blend of humor and serious contemplation adds layers to the essay, encouraging readers to engage with the material on multiple levels.

Furthermore, Wallace's adept use of descriptive language and vivid imagery transports readers into the heart of the Maine Lobster Festival and the lobster's plight. His ability to paint a sensory-rich picture through words allows readers to emotionally connect with the subject matter. Whether describing the sounds, smells, or sensations of the event, Wallace's descriptive prowess immerses readers in the experience.

The essay's use of rhetorical techniques is another notable aspect of Wallace's writing. He strategically employs rhetoric to persuade readers to consider the ethical dimension of their choices without overtly imposing his viewpoint. This rhetorical approach encourages critical thinking and fosters introspection, ensuring that readers actively engage with the ethical dilemma presented.

Through his literary techniques, David Foster Wallace transforms "Consider the Lobster" into an intellectual and emotional journey. His narrative voice, humor, descriptive language, and rhetorical devices work in harmony to make the essay a captivating and impactful exploration of ethics and consumption.

In the following section, we will delve into the impact "Consider the Lobster" has on its readers, exploring the emotional and intellectual responses it evokes and its potential for effecting change.

The Impact on Readers

The lasting impact of a piece of literature often lies in its ability to engage and challenge its readers, and "Consider the Lobster" by David Foster Wallace is no exception. This essay's thought-provoking content and masterful execution elicit emotional and intellectual responses, leaving readers with much to contemplate long after they've turned the final page.

Emotionally, Wallace's essay has the power to evoke a range of feelings, from discomfort and guilt to empathy and introspection. His vivid descriptions of the lobsters' suffering during the Maine Lobster Festival can elicit a visceral reaction in readers, causing them to confront the ethical implications of their dietary choices. Wallace's skillful use of humor and irony adds another layer to this emotional response, allowing readers to grapple with serious ethical questions without becoming overwhelmed by guilt or defensiveness.

Intellectually, "Consider the Lobster" challenges readers to engage with complex ethical dilemmas and consider the consequences of their actions. Wallace's nuanced exploration of the lobster festival and its cultural significance prompts readers to reflect on the role of tradition and cultural practices in shaping their ethical beliefs. Moreover, his use of rhetorical techniques encourages critical thinking and self-examination, urging readers to question the status quo and reevaluate their perspectives on animal rights and consumption.

Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of the essay's impact is its potential to effect change. By presenting ethical considerations in a thought-provoking and non-confrontational manner, Wallace opens the door for readers to reconsider their choices and make more compassionate decisions. "Consider the Lobster" serves as a catalyst for broader discussions about the treatment of animals and ethical consumption, potentially inspiring readers to take concrete actions aligned with their newly formed perspectives.

In conclusion, "Consider the Lobster" by David Foster Wallace is not merely an essay; it is a transformative literary experience. Through its emotional resonance, intellectual stimulation, and potential for effecting change, it leaves a lasting mark on its readers. As we reflect on the impact of this essay, we recognize the profound influence literature can have in shaping our values and behaviors.


In "Consider the Lobster," David Foster Wallace masterfully navigates the complex terrain of ethics, literature, and reader engagement. This essay, originally published in an unexpected context, challenges us to reflect on our ethical responsibilities, particularly concerning the treatment of animals in the culinary world. Wallace's unique narrative voice, combined with his effective use of humor and irony, creates a compelling and thought-provoking reading experience. Through his vivid descriptions and rhetorical techniques, he encourages readers to actively engage with the ethical dilemmas presented in the essay.

However, what truly sets "Consider the Lobster" apart is its enduring impact on readers. Emotionally, it forces us to confront discomforting truths and prompts introspection about our choices. Intellectually, it fosters critical thinking and encourages us to reevaluate our perspectives on ethical consumption. Moreover, the essay has the potential to effect meaningful change by inspiring readers to make more compassionate choices in their lives.

As we conclude our analysis of "Consider the Lobster," we recognize the power of literature to provoke thought, challenge norms, and influence our values. David Foster Wallace's essay is a testament to the enduring impact that a well-crafted piece of writing can have, leaving readers with a deeper understanding of ethics, a heightened sense of responsibility, and a lasting appreciation for the art of literary engagement.

In the end, "Consider the Lobster" serves as a reminder that literature has the potential not only to entertain but also to shape our perceptions and, ultimately, our actions.


Updated: Dec 18, 2023
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A Critical Assessment of David Foster Wallace's 'Consider the Lobster'. (2023, Dec 18). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/a-critical-assessment-of-david-foster-wallaces-consider-the-lobster-essay

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