Writing for Demand Media Studios

Categories: Free Essays

There are times when as a freelance writer, you need to generate income quickly. Demand Media Studios is an excellent place to achieve your financial goals if you have the patience to comply with the site’s writing requirements.

Writers must apply to work at Demand Studios. An application, resume and writing sample will be required. This is not a casual or bloggy website. Your writing samples should reflect a professional appearance and suggest that you have an expertise in one or more areas.

Once you are approved, you will have access to thousands of titles that need content written for them.

The company takes quality content very seriously and you will be expected to provide verifiable resources from credible websites to substantiate the information you submit. If you have personal knowledge or training in a specific area, be sure to include that information in your application and again in your profile once you are hired.

Articles can be written in of about 15 different formats, each with a set of guidelines governing their structure, content and word count.

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All articles are reviewed by editors who check spelling, grammar, punctuation and verify accuracy of the information. If they have questions about your work, it will be returned to you with notes so you can make any necessary changes. If it is accepted, it will be published to the site which requested it and you will receive an upfront payment.

Article payments vary with the type of article format.

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Some like “Tips” are just answers to questions which you write in 30 to 50 words for which you will receive $3.00. Other formats like “About” and “Topic View” are 400 to 500 words and give a complete overview, like you might find in an encyclopedia about whatever the topic is. These pay $15 to $20 each.

You will be rated on a scale of 1 to 5 on your level of grammatical proficiency and research for each article you submit. The higher your rating, the more benefits you can receive. Initially, you will be able to claim ten titles at a time. Once you complete one or more, you can claim additional titles but not more than ten can be in your work desk at a time. With higher scores, the number of titles you can claim may be increased. You can also become eligible for special assignments that pay better that the standard articles.

The key to success at Demand Media Studios is to write what you know, write well and supply good references to support your data.

Theresa Leschmann spent the first 30-plus years of her life in the Chicagoland area before relocating to southern Illinois, trading in a fast-paced big city life for a quiet, rural one. Following her passions, she took up writing which has included a stint writing for the Southern Illinois Plus newspaper, content writing for numerous sites, blogging on topics she is passionate about and writing fiction.

Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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Writing for Demand Media Studios. (2020, Jun 02). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/writing-for-demand-media-studios-24714-new-essay

Writing for Demand Media Studios essay
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