Why Teachers Are Obsessed WIth Teaching And Students in Their Classes

Categories: Teaching

Throughout my twelve years of school I have been to three different types of schools. I have been to two Private Christian schools, a Charter school, and two Public schools. They all are run differently, but one thing has stayed the same throughout every school. Passionate teachers. The teachers at every school are passionate about teaching and the students in their classes. So now the question is: Are all teachers passionate?

First I must classify what makes a teacher show passion.

To start out teachers who have passion are enthusiastic. Every teacher that I have had has been excited and energetic to teach whatever subject it was. They are always happy to teach something new, or to review things that were learned in previous years, and happy to make students smarter. Having an enthusiastic teacher in my least favorite subject changes the way I think of that class. It makes me excited to get better in the subject, rather than dreading going to that class everyday.

Next what makes teachers passionate are how much they care.

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Teachers, at one point in time, have made themselves available to help when students were having trouble. Even if that meant staying after school for several hours, or helping out during their lunch or planning period. Some teachers have even gone the extra mile, not only do they wish for your success in their class, but they also wish for your success in every aspect of life. They want nothing more than to see their students thrive in life, which shows just how much they care for each and every one of their students.

Lastly intrinsic motivation is a lot of what makes teachers passionate.

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As I have gone through school the way teachers have been treated by the government has deteriorated. Yet they stay in the teaching profession. They all know the impact that they have on a child’s life. And know that their impact has a much greater importance than money. Yes, getting paid for all that they do is important, but if they wanted a lot of money for their job they would not be a teacher in the first place.

All teachers meet these criterions. Those who say not every teachers are enthusiastic, probably just don’t like that teacher. Every teacher has enthusiasm towards the subject or subjects that they teach. If they did not have enthusiasm towards it then they would not teach that subject. Many object to the fact that teachers don’t care. Again, not at all true. If teachers did not care then they would not stay way later than they have to. They would let you fend for yourself when you didn’t understand something, and probably would care to teach you anything new. Those that say that teachers do it for the money are wrong. Teachers make very low salaries. If they were really wanted to be in a profession that made a lot of money, they would have never gone into teaching in the first place. They knew becoming a teacher that they would not make a lot of money, yet that did not stop them.

All teachers are passionate. They show so much enthusiasm in every class, every single day we have school. They care so much more than they have to, and they always put a students success first. The intrinsic motivation makes them even more passionate, for they have so much more motivation to teach then money or rewards. They want nothing more than to see their students succeed in their class and in life, rather than wanting a big fat paycheck. Which truly shows that all teachers are passionate.

Updated: Oct 11, 2024
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Why Teachers Are Obsessed WIth Teaching And Students in Their Classes. (2024, Feb 16). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/why-teachers-are-obsessed-with-teaching-and-students-in-their-classes-essay

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