Why I'm Choosing to Study Medicine

Checking a patient’s heart rate with a pretend stethoscope and examining them to make sure they have no injuries whilst communicating with them were popular amongst childhood dreams.

However, unlike others around me, this dream was lost until I started developing an interest in Biology and Chemistry by asking the famous question “Why?” this particular thing occurs in humans and “How?” it happens. Chemistry showed me the numerous natural occurrences of chemical reaction in the human body (which was unknown to me) combined with the biology as it showed me the genesis of every living thing: DNA.

This gave me the opportunity to observe, explore and comprehend the human anatomy: a mysterious creation. Reading New Scientist, watching A&E 24 hours along with Botched not only heightened my curiosity with anatomy but fuelled my desire to study medicine to understand even further the complexity of such a creation. Combined with my compassion to aid those in need and the studying of the course to drastically transform the life of someone as cliché it may sound are also the fuels of my desire to study medicine.

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I obtained an internship at a Neurology placement for 3 days. Being taught by a doctor on how they diagnose neurological diseases by the conduct of an examination and seeing this in action made me to realize the vital importance of communication skills to a patient. Putting some of the examinations into practice with my partner taught me that communication skills are vital in the medicine field because the doctor needs to state very clearly the procedure the patient would undergo to avoid misunderstandings and conflict.

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Furthermore, having shadowed chemists in the making of drugs for neurodegenerative diseases catalyzed me to admire the teamwork and cooperation skills displayed which is vital in the medicine field because the care of the patient is top priority and thus the multidisciplinary team cooperation and team effort will lead to the patient’s safety.

Furthermore, becoming a volunteer at a small charity shop once a week for an ongoing 2 months has taught me a lot. I had to pick up clothing items from the floor and even though this doesn’t seem fabulous nor much, I learnt how to be organized as organization is extremely vital. This is because after speaking to several medical students, I realized that medical practitioners need to be organized and prioritize patients who need urgent care/attention above others. Also staying organized in medical school would help you to utilize your time better. From my volunteering, I learnt how to work in a team to effectively carry out our roles and support one another.

Speaking to primary school children about my A levels, questioning them about what they want to do in the future and how they can achieve their goals has made me to develop my communication and listening skills. I have been able to achieve more confidence and patience while working with the children which would be useful in the medicine field especially when dealing with patients going through an emotional rollercoaster. This is also strengthened by the fact that I had to lead a group of kids into completing a homelessness project to raise awareness about it in our school which has led to my development of leadership skills. Having completed my EPQ on an investigation into Workplace Bullying in the UK my confidence, discipline, organization skills (as I had to work to strict deadlines) and communication skills has further has improved as I had to present my research to the class on time and answer questions proposed by the audience.

I love reading books in my spare time to grow my imagination, relieve my stress and relax my mind. My interest in reading has led me to challenge myself to enter a reading competition. When not studying, I enjoy spending time with my friends to still be up to date with my social life.

Choosing to study medicine has come with much contemplation as it demands the sacrifice of time and sleep but also it demands the motivation to plough through challenges as it is not your normal average job whereby you can work from 9-5pm.

Updated: Feb 26, 2024
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Why I'm Choosing to Study Medicine. (2024, Feb 26). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/why-im-choosing-to-study-medicine-essay

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