Factors That Influence Romantic Relationships

Categories: Romantic Relationship

A relationship is a complex and multifaceted thing. The phrase "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts" certainly applies to romantic relationships, in which two people (and their individual characteristics) combine to create something greater than what either one of them would have on their own. However, there are factors that make it more likely for two people to end up together—or not—and we'll take a look at three of them here: proximity, the mere exposure effect, and A&B (attraction-based mechanisms).

The most important factor for two people developing a romantic relationship is proximity. The more time you spend with someone, the likelier it becomes that you will develop feelings for them. This can be true even if you don't want it to be! It doesn't matter if they're your best friend or they're just some guy who lives down the street—the longer you see them on a regular basis (or even just once), the higher your chances of developing those warm and fuzzy feelings inside.

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When we're exposed to a novel stimulus, our first reaction is often one of aversion. We don't like the new experience and may actively avoid it. But over time, exposure breeds familiarity and we begin to see things differently—even if they remain unchanged by external factors like appearance or price. In fact, this phenomenon has been observed in hundreds of studies around the world...and its results are consistent across people and cultures!

The mere-exposure effect describes how we develop a preference for things merely because they are familiar with them.

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It occurs when individuals view an object more times than another object but rate each equally in terms of liking or disliking when asked at test time. In other words: The more you see something, the more likely you are to like it! This holds true even when there is no difference between two objects (from your perspective).

Physical attractiveness can be one of the most important factors contributing to romantic relationships because it is associated with characteristics such as good health, intelligence, and self-confidence. In addition, research has shown that people tend to be attracted to others who are similar in physical attractiveness (as well as other characteristics).

People who are similar in certain ways can be more likely to have a romantic relationship. For example, if you have similar interests, values and beliefs, it is more likely that you will become romantically involved with someone else who shares these traits.

The answer to this question is almost certainly A. In fact, I'd say there's a 98% likelihood that the correct answer has to be A. Let me explain why:

If you've ever dated someone before, then you know how difficult it can be to meet new people. We're all familiar with that feeling of being alone in the world, with no one around who understands us or cares about what we do or who we are at all (except maybe our mom). It's not easy! So when you finally find someone who seems like they might understand what it's like to have such a tough time in life—especially when it comes to dating—you're bound to become really close friends and tell each other everything about yourselves.

This means that if both person X and person Y are looking for love (as opposed to just sex), then they'll probably end up forming what psychologists call an "attachment bond." These bonds can sometimes last for decades after their initial formation; in fact, some research suggests that attachment bonds formed during adolescence may affect later romantic relationships even more than those formed during adulthood!

Why can you spot your best friend in a crowd, even when they’re wearing a wig and sunglasses? Because you know them so well. You’ve spent years together, building up an intimate relationship and getting to know each other on a deep level. You know their favorite food (nachos), how they take their coffee (black) and what their favorite movie is (Frozen). This familiarity makes it easier for us to pick out our friends from strangers because we have plenty of data points that tell us who they are—and if something seems off or unfamiliar, we notice it immediately. Mere exposure effects show that the more we experience something familiar or similar over time, the more attractive we find it—even if there are no obvious differences between our experiences at first sight alone!

The mere exposure effect is one of the most effective ways to attract people to you. It’s also the first step in developing a romantic relationship with someone. Proximity can help you start a conversation, but it won’t make that conversation go anywhere because it doesn’t address why people like each other in the first place (i.e., because they have common interests or share similar values). And while A&B might seem like an obvious choice, they don’t actually do anything other than increase your chances of meeting someone who has already been exposed to something similar enough.

Updated: May 03, 2023
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Factors That Influence Romantic Relationships. (2022, Dec 13). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/which-of-the-following-makes-it-more-likely-that-two-people-will-develop-a-romantic-relationship-essay

Factors That Influence Romantic Relationships essay
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