Diversity, Equality & Inclusion in Adult Social Care

Categories: CareEqualityReligion

Ci) Write a reflective account describing:

* How your personal preferences, attitudes, heritage and beliefs might impact on working practice. * How to ensure that your own practice is inclusive and respects the beliefs, culture, values and preferences of individuals.

I work in a residential home for Dementia for the elderly, some of the clients Dementia range from mild to severe. The clients are raised in a very different way to how I was raised and it is important that I must remember this and respect this as we all have personal beliefs and preferences based on our background and upbringing.

I have been brought up in a very mixed society but in a Church of England school where religious education was compulsory, however we still studied various other religions and were taught to respect all people, and their beliefs. Prayers were a daily thing at the end of each assembly and whether or not I wanted to pay attention to the prayer time again I had to respect the people that did.

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Religion may affect people in many different ways, mainly because we all come from different backgrounds and are taught differently.

Read more: nclusion meaning in care essay

However, it is important to respect how people honour their religion. I am an atheist however I still make time to talk to my clients about their religion and sometimes have prayer time with them, even though my own beliefs it is not something that I choose to do as I know it makes the client happy it makes me happy to do this as I know it is something that they feel so strongly in.

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It is part and parcel of the work that I do and part of showing the clients that we care about what makes them happy and respect their beliefs even if ours are different. It is important to remember that my own personal preferences are different to others and I can’t expect others to think, act and feel the same way as I do.

For example I like to shower daily and sometimes twice daily, some of my clients do not like water and really do not like showers or baths I have to respect their decision if they prefer not to have one I need to encourage them to maintain a healthy and clean state of mind and body. In cases like this I will spend time encouraging the client that they will feel better and not try and tell them how I feel when I am clean and fresh. The main difference between me and a resident is the age gap, they have lived a much different childhood than myself which will shape them into the person they are today as I am too. These differences can range from how they would have addressed an adult to how children address adults today. Whilst working with service users I always take into consideration that different generations believe and did things a lot differently than today I understand this and work in partnership with this.

Cii) Write a brief account that describes examples of inclusive practice.

Whilst working within the home, we undertake different activities these can range from quiz’s, board games, puzzles, listening to music, watching television and reading. Whilst planning an activity I would always ensure that it was accessible for every client (an area of the home residents could get to) I would ensure I invited all residents to the activity but only encouraged them to join, if they didn’t want to I would make sure they were happy and undertaking an activity of their wish. Other examples of inclusion are meal times everybody is asked and given 2 options of meals for their lunch time meal and tea time meals. Residents are encouraged to dine in the dining room for meals, but if they wish they also encouraged if they wish to have their meals in which ever room they feel most comfortable.

Ciii) Write a brief account that describes practice which excludes the individual and is discriminatory.

Some examples of discriminatory practice whilst working within a care home environment could be, not giving the resident an option / choice of what meals they were having daily or being told that everybody is having this so you will too. Being told where to have their meals because that’s where everybody else does. Also if residents wanted to watch something on the television refusing to let them have the remote to choose what they would like to watch, not letting the resident choose when they would like to go to bed but telling them is also discriminatory practice. Residents not being given the choice to choose what to wear for that day we also have a hairdresser come to the home they shouldn’t be told what hair style they are going to have but given choices.

Updated: May 03, 2023
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Diversity, Equality & Inclusion in Adult Social Care. (2016, Sep 28). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/unit-principles-of-diversity-equality-and-inclusion-in-adult-social-care-settings-essay

Diversity, Equality & Inclusion in Adult Social Care essay
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