Uber: Mobile App

Categories: DemandEconomicsUber


Uber, founded in 2009 since then, as we all know is an impressively firm that gives anybody with an electronic device hire a car and diver that will take them anywhere. Uber, as unique firm in the on-demand economy (Smith and Leberstein, 2015), utilizes its way of life as both a platform and an innovation firm to characterize its role (Gillespie, 2010) as a nonpartisan middle person that encourages access to under-used and under commoditized services (Lobel, 2015, p. 1; Lowrey, 2015). Uber is a market in the sense that the price passengers pay respond to demand and supply.

When there is a number of passengers who are looking for rides and there is not enough drivers, they rise the pay that the passengers have to pay. And when there is a huge number of drivers and not enough passengers they keep their price low. That's how the markets works. At the present time, there is 30 million customer who uses this service every month worldwide.

Supply and demand

One of the main challenges in this App is continues shifting supply and demand volumes.

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Particularly on the local scale in space and time. Demand is calculated by the number of rides in the platform session while supply is calculated by the amount of time on the platform. In the case of Uber the supply and demand are highly elastic, it has been there since when the surge pricing appeared that lead to higher prices leading an increasing in supply (drivers).

Uber uses this as model for their supply and demand.

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In this phenomena when the passengers demand exceeds the supply (drivers) the pricing algorithm increases this is to bring the prices of the market to equilibrium. However, this is not permanent as with the time period the demand decline and the price will fall back to normal.

Factors that affect demand

At the point when it's raining, demand increases as individuals would lean toward riding a vehicle than strolling or biking. However, the quantity of vehicles on the streets doesn't increment straightforwardly. At the point when an occasion, for example, a show or a games change closes then number of individuals are all of a sudden in the necessities of a ride at a similar spot, so request increases yet supply continues as before or increases due to increases in demand. At the point when there's traffic, or some extraordinary occasion that ruins flow, similar to a procession, supply is compelled (regardless of whether there were a similar measure of vehicles it takes more time to contact individuals in this way, altogether, a similar number of drivers can offer less trips) while demand remains the equivalent. Those sorts of circumstances change the price.

When there is an increase in demand is respectively less than in increase in supply then rightward shift in demand curve changes to D to D1 is respectively less than rightward shift in supply curve from S to S1. The new equilibrium will be determined at E1 equilibrium price will falls from OP to OP1 whereas, equilibrium quantity rises from OQ to OQ1. And the impact will be decrease in price for passengers. Decrease in earning for drivers.

Determinants of PED and PES

Demand for rides on Uber is the thing that business analysts term price elastic. At the point when demand is elastic, that implies that an expansion in cost will result in a more than corresponding reduction in the amount sold (for example a 10% expansion in cost may prompt a 20% decline in amount). The turnaround is likewise valid - a decline in cost will result in a more than relative increment in the amount sold (for example a 10% decline in cost may prompt a 20% expansion in amount).

Uber have to face the elastic demand for trips when it lower the cost and other taxi serives firms don't match the price decrease. Passengers would unexpectedly switch that uber trips are cheaper than other firms passenger will likely to switch to Uber. The diagram illustrate the when uber decrease their price from P0 to P1 and no other firm match the new price than Uber have to fae demand Curve D1. Quantity rises by a lot from Q0 to Q1. TR, would be rectangle undder the price and to the left of the quatity, would be increase fromP0*Q0 to P1*Q1 than the rectangle of TR will be greater.

The thin line between traditional taxi and Uber is the one that is incredibly blurry. This is the service that passengers do willingly, if demand starts to outstrips supply such a case as New Year's Day or extreme weather the prices start to point swiftly with cost of a ride frequently multiply by the surge pricing than it means affordability of Uber can fluctuate greatly. Which mean uber has already won the race. It's just a simple and beautiful taxi services as passenger as see it. (Issac and Picker, 2015).

A run of the mill taxi driver acts to some degree uniquely in contrast to an Uber driver when it begins to rain. The cabby in all likelihood had an objective for the day- maybe $200. Particularly when the climate gets awful and the driving is horrid, the cabby will consider it daily when he hits the correct number. At a similar minute an Uber driver will go to his application. Seeking after flood estimating to set in, he remains.

A comparable marvel does something amazing for drivers at other disliked occurrences such as early mornings and late evenings. Since those occasions upset family life and rest, drivers are not satisfied.

Be that as it may, they go.

On the supply side, an Uber driver can have significant overhead. One driver clarifies that he keeps tidbits and magazines in his Honda Odyssey minivan. Wearing a suit, he opens entryways for his riders. With costs that incorporate protection and a rundown of auxiliary costs, $300-$400 in week by week costs can gobble up one portion of his profit. So he scans for flood openings for the duration of the day and night.

Demand and supply gap analysis

  • Most of the rides are available are in the evening from Airport to city
  • And most cancelled trips are in the morning from city to Airport

For crossing over the demand supply gap from airplane terminal to city, making a perpetual remain in the air terminal itself where the taxis will be accessible consistently and the deficient solicitations can descend fundamentally.

Uber can give a few motivating forces to the driver who complete the trek from city to airplane terminal in the first part of the day part. This may result the driver to not drop the solicitation from city to air terminal excursions.

Last yet beyond any doubt answer for cut down the gap is to expand the quantities of taxi in its fleet. Behavior and the market elements over different items

Single versus Multiple Products. Ride-hailing stages frequently offer more than one item. For precedent, Uber offers UberX (principle item), UberPool (ride-sharing), Express Pool (ride-sharing with pausing and strolling), UberXL (additional seats), and Uber Black (extravagance administration). On the rider side, riders display overwhelming substitution conduct crosswise over items, so changing the cost or hanging tight time for one item influences riders' eagerness to choose different items. On the driver side, the supply pool is shared among a portion of the items; e.g., UberX, POOL, and Express Pool share a similar supply base. Subsequently, dispatching a driver to one item impacts the supply level and hence the in transit time of different items. Along these lines, preferably the valuing and coordinating choices ought to be resolved at the same time for every one of the items on the stage. This is testing since it requires demonstrating the rider/driver conduct and the market elements over different items

Demand has increase however, the price of the cost is fixed which means the quantity demanded is more than the quantity supplied and a scarcity occurs, which means that not every passenger wants catch the taxi immediately can and either they have to wait or would have to find substitute.

The next diagram shows the Uber model. The surge price encourages more uber Drivers to enter the market and balance supply and demand so that those whom are prepared to pay more or higher price can pay.

Comparing both side by side, including effect on economic efficiency in here, the surge pricing model allows for the gain productivity from the increase in demand while the fixed price does not, causing a left

The supply positioning at Uber bring up forecasting demand design, and engaging drivers across the city with the aim to plug in the demand, ETAs and increase overall efficiency. The main area to focus on will be passive supply positioning to act upon through specific recommendation across the platform.

In Uber platform supply optimization is one of the largest focuses. Also challenge is to efficiency enhance the supply whenever there is high peak demand. One method is surge in real time. It means supply comes under where the demand is high in those area. If the surge is multiple by 3x to 6x it means that how much demand is in that specific area and the supply the drivers need to meet the demand. This can be done by breaking down the Bristol city into multiple pockets. This can be done by identifying the specific pocket has low complete demand ratio or has fewer number of rides complete as compare to other areas.


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Updated: May 20, 2021

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