Trinity: A Graphic History of the First Atomic Bomb

Categories: Atomic Bomb

The dropping of the first atomic bomb impacted everyone differently. Some say that it was for the better and others said it made things worse. The creation of such an atomic weapon has changed the world drastically in regards to warfare. This creation enabled multiple different countries to practice making models of their own, simply for the destruction of others. Not only did this bomb leave people scared, but it also killed hundreds of thousands along the way. The way Jonathan Fetter-Vorm portrayed his argument in “Trinity: A Graphic History of the First Atomic Bomb”, was very impactful based off the different perspectives shown, the black and white images and the effect that the nuclear bomb left behind after it dropped.

The different perspectives used throughout “Trinity: A Graphic History of the First Atomic Bomb” shows how informative Jonathan Fetter-Vorm is because it gave us different view points to look through.

It is a completely coordinated story of the advancement of the bomb, as well as the science behind making it, and even the plan and steps of both the implosion and the firearm styles.

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For one, we saw Oppenheimer’s and his colleagues who were working on the bomb with him such as the general and other scientist that argued how the bomb was beneficial because “In fission, scientist had finally discovered the philosopher's stone that captivated the minds of medieval alchemists” (Fetter-Vorm 11). These scientist believed that they found the key to end and prevent war. Contrary to their views, Fetter-Vorm also put in the perspective of the women and kids who were brought to the camp against their will and was not sure about anything going on throughout this time, it showed their confusion and lack of knowledge on all the events going on within the camp.

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Another significant point of view was the two boys who were in Japan before and after the bomb had been dropped. Before the bomb had dropped the two boys were just living their life and conversing about girls and how “if [they] had a superpower [he would] be invisible” (Fetter-Vorm 121). These two innocent boys did not know their whole world was about to change right before their eyes. After the bomb one of the boys slowly began burning alive as the radiation and heat from the bomb melted his skin away. These various points of views not only showed how they thought the bomb was a great weapon but the reaction of those who were affected by the bomb. The way Fetter-Vorm portrayed these different perspectives enables readers to understand how the bomb affected each person who came across it in different ways. Fetter-Vorm used a lot of black and white within the book. The color use of images throughout the graphic novel made an effect on the reader. If Fetter-Vorm were to use more color it would have emphasized certain events. Once the bomb dropped “The rest of the world fell away into darkness. There was only the light”(Fetter-Vorm 72). This would have been a great place in the book to use a variation of color to give the reader the effect as if they too were witnessing the bomb first hand.

Sadly, on the grounds that the utilization of shading could have conveyed a lot of dramatization to the small scale and full scale parts of the 'bomb'. Parts that represent fission at the atomic level would have helped from the color usage to show the 'zooming' of particles as they generate the spark of the bomb, as would have the sections that show the big explosions that moved the world into the nuclear weapons period. The outcome is a brief and excellent handle on a standout amongst the most astonishing and significant moments of the twentieth century. Many people obtained severe long term health issues in result of the radiation given off from the atomic bomb. Once the bomb dropped it “consumed souls and city alike in a flash of heat and radiation.”(Fetter-Vorm 132). For those who did encounter the bomb either they died then and there or they suffered long term. Fetter-Vorm did a very detailed explanation of how times were after the dropping of the bomb health wise. Scientist could not explain why people were continuing to die and get sick but they soon came to the conclusion that it “was a result of being exposed to intense “ionizing” radiation.” (Fetter-Vorm 134). Scientist had no cure for this disease nor did they know what it was so they called it Disease X. Overtime, the bomb did more damage than anyone working on it thought it would.

Although we did not witness it first hand Jonathan Fetter-Vorm gave us a very detailed walk through of everything that happened starting with showing us different viewpoints, the black and white images that made us think of the past, and explaining long term health effects of the bomb. This bomb was created to prevent other superpowers like Asia and Europe from wanting to engage in war. The bomb was more so a threat to begin with, it had come about that “the Nazi’s might be developing an atomic weapon.” (Fetter-Vorm 13). The United States knew that they too had to make a weapon as such just to ensure the safety of their people if the rumors that they heard about other superpowers such as Europe and Asia having nuclear weapons was to be true. Overall, Jonathan Fetter-Vorm portrayed the Trinity project in a way that almost made the reader feel like they witnessed it first hand.

Updated: Apr 22, 2021
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Trinity: A Graphic History of the First Atomic Bomb essay
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