The Use Of Symbolism In Macbeth

Categories: William Shakespeare

The use of symbolism stories helps build context to express the true meaning. The author of Macbeth, William Shakespeare uses blood as a motif.

As blood is typically the sign of real- abuse or death, it is often used as a different kind of symbol in Macbeth. Blood can express the concept of death and murder as well as the concept of remorse. Shakespeare also used blood to symbolize the Macbeth and Lady Macbeth characters and the shame they had endured.

Macbeth's first glimpse refers to him as a murderer who exploits the lives of others for personal gain, many see this as a foreshadowing of the bloodier things that are to come in the rest of the novel. The positioning and location of blood juxtapose where Macbeth and Lady Macbeth want to blame for the murders and where the guilt is limited in reality. The presence of blood alludes to the text to show their uncontrollable, self-consuming culpability.

Blood plays a crucial role in Macbeth's foundation as it is listed in every act of the play.

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The use of blood in Act I emerged in a dialogue between Duncan and the Captain that was a foretaste of the bloodthirsty character of Macbeth and his ruthlessness in committing murder. Blood makes the talk more intense as blood represents battle or combat. This mention of blood shows Macbeth's ability to kill, which then indicates the future of the play. It also reflects the courage of the captain, also in the present situation in which he was.

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It not only meant courage but also gave appearance to the courageous virtues of Macbeth. Blood allusions do not erase the real function of blood which is a source of life and plays a crucial role in keeping us alive. As seen, it has to be added in order for blood to be a theme, and then continue to escalate throughout the match. Shakespeare ensures that he uses the symbol, blood, to express not only one core concept but many. While we see blood as a picture of death, the use of blood in the first sight is used to offset the negative blood connotations that are yet to come in the next four acts.

The scenes represented in the second act of blood can be taken in a literal and figurative context. The first blood usage occurs at scene one in the soliloquy. Macbeth asks himself whether the dagger is, and his mind's image, or a false development. At the end of the scene, a bell is rung, and it tells him that the things he is about to do will either lead him to heaven or hell. In scene two, the role of Lady Macbeth comes to life when she says she'd have the strength to kill Duncan, but she didn't do it because she looked like her father when she was sleeping. After Macbeth killed Duncan on her appeal, he appeared with bloody hands in front of Lady Macbeth and is told to wash it with water and place the evidence on the pillows of the servants in order to blame them for killing Duncan. The blood represents their crime for Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, and they can not avoid the guilt of their deeds. Macbeth knows that what he did was to a good leader, and may not be able to live up to standards. In time Macbeth knows he will get what he deserves. Nevertheless, he can no longer rid himself of remorse and knows that his hands will not be washed by all the water in the ocean. Macbeth claims that his murder actions would paint the ocean red, due to the bloodshed on his behalf. In scene three Macbeth says Donalbain has a pale face because the blood fountain is stopped and Lennox mentions the sight of blood in the servants 'hands and faces. Two Macbeth still feels no remorse in Act as he still blames his servants. Banquo refers to the assassination of Duncan as the bloodiest piece of work. By the end of the act, Macbeth, Malcolm, and Donalbain are suspect of Duncan's killing because of how arrogant and bribed they were.

Act 3 has minimal blood illusions but it also gets across the point of remorse. One Macbeth refers to Banquo by the use of blood in the scene. 'Bloody gap' is used to demonstrate that Macbeth sees Banquo as a threat but it also shows the danger to come. It is not until scene four that the next blood appearance arrives. Blood is used as a foreshadowing for a disaster that may yet arise. When they say 'blood should have vengeance,' it means they will get their revenge on the people they killed. While Act III includes only two uses of blood, it plays a greater role.

Much as act three act four is restricted in blood references but rich in its meanings. Throughout Act IV Macbeth is confronted by various forms of apparitions, Macbeth will sense the remorse at this point. The witches make apparitions to give a peak of Macbeth's existence. The bloody child's appearance is to remind Macbeth that no-one born into a woman will hurt him. This indicates that blood is malaise and sorrow. Foreshadowing comes into action again as Shakespeare proceeds to foreshadow the negative mood in the next few scenes and acts. Blood is again shown during the second apparition to warn Macbeth to be ruthless and cold-blooded, which lets the audience know that Macbeth will always behave cruelly. Both Macduff and Malcolm the last mention of blood comes to address Macbeth.

The blood sentence means they believe Macbeth is a ruthless guy. Shakespeare will keep on finding out how cruel Macbeth actually is. Shakespeare again brings a little spice to the scene with the two uses of blood, since blood still appears to be linked to bad events. Given the little blood uses it gives readers a glimpse into what's going to happen next.

Updated: Feb 23, 2024
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