The Titanic - Facts

Categories: Titanic Ship

In additions, that day night is no moon, it’s harder to see the iceberg. The Titanic have held about 3,000 people, only 20 lifeboats, it wasn’t enough to save all the people on the ship, that’s why so many people deaths. The Titanic didn’t take signal flares, when the Titanic wanted to ask some help, it just let off the fireworks instead of signal flares. Other ships see the fireworks; they didn’t know it was a distress signal.

Just one ship Carpathian insisted to come there eventually picked up so many people. Sequences of sinking

During April 14, 1912, Titanic’s radio operators received six messages from other ship warming of iceberg, but Titanic was travelling its maximum speed when it sighted the iceberg. At 11:40(ship’s time) the lookouts spotted an iceberg 1/4 mile ahead and alerted the bridge. Unable to turn quickly enough, the starboard side of Titanic struck the iceberg, creating a series of holes below the waterline.

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The ship was doomed; Titanic began sinking bow-first. The ship broke up as it sank with over a thousand passengers and crew members still aboard.

So many people jumped into the cold water, they didn’t bear the cold water and died . It last two hours and forty minutes, and Titanic disappeared in the ocean. Aftermath of sinking It was the largest marine peril at that time. The Titanic had held almost 2200 people. Between 1490 and 1635 passengers were died, only 711 passengers were rescued and survived. It’s so sad for everyone.

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Carpathian took three days to reach New York leaving the scene of disaster. Nearly the entire New York police force was on hand. Later that day, confirmation came though that

Titanic had been lost and most of passengers and crew had died. Advices of accident We don’t want the Titanic disaster happen again. There are so many reasons to lead to the accident. We must remember the advices. Later, we built ship; we must have enough lifeboats in the ship. We must have enough SOS signal flares and telescopes. We must improve our crisis awareness. We are serious to accept any SOS signal flares and warming messages. We can set up the organization which is rescuing the ship fall into troubles.

Updated: Jul 20, 2021
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