The role of Lafe in "As I Lay Dying" and how his character influences the plot.

Categories: Lafe

William Faulkner's novel "As I Lay Dying" is a profound exploration of human nature, family dynamics, and the complexities of life and death. One of the central characters that stands out in this literary masterpiece is Jewel Bundren. Jewel's presence in the story is not only significant in shaping the narrative but also in shedding light on the themes of sacrifice, isolation, and the blurred line between love and obsession.

Jewel Bundren, the illegitimate son of Addie Bundren, is an enigmatic figure whose actions, thoughts, and emotions play a pivotal role in the progression of the novel.

The novel's narrative structure alternates between multiple points of view, giving the reader insight into the minds of different characters, including Jewel himself. Jewel's internal monologues and his actions create a multi-faceted character that significantly influences the plot.

One of the most evident aspects of Jewel's character is his unwavering dedication to his deceased mother, Addie Bundren. This devotion drives his actions throughout the novel.

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His burning desire to honor his mother's last wish to be buried in her hometown of Jefferson leads him to make decisions that often contradict the interests of the other family members. For example, Jewel's decision to sell his beloved horse to buy his mother a coffin demonstrates his deep love for Addie and his willingness to sacrifice even the things he holds most dear.

Jewel's character also symbolizes isolation and inner turmoil. He is distant from his family, both physically and emotionally. This isolation can be attributed to his status as an illegitimate child and his complex relationship with his mother.

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His unique bond with his horse and his stoic demeanor further emphasize his sense of detachment from the people around him. Jewel's isolation underscores the broader theme of alienation that runs through the novel, highlighting the struggles faced by each family member in their own way.

Furthermore, Jewel's character raises questions about the boundaries between love and obsession. His intense attachment to his mother is evident, but there are moments when this attachment takes on a possessive quality. Jewel's fixation on his mother's body and his fiery response to Darl's perceived desecration of her corpse exemplify this complex interplay between love and obsession. Faulkner skillfully explores the fine line between genuine love and the potentially unhealthy lengths to which it can drive an individual.

The influence of Jewel's character on the plot is profound. His determination to fulfill his mother's wishes fuels the family's journey to Jefferson, setting the wheels of the narrative in motion. His actions also serve as a catalyst for conflict within the family, particularly with Darl, whose relationship with Jewel is fraught with tension and rivalry. Jewel's choices, such as rescuing the coffin from the river, confronting the Tull family, and his unwavering commitment to carrying his mother's body, drive the family's journey forward and shape the events that unfold.

In conclusion, Jewel Bundren is a character whose complexity and presence in "As I Lay Dying" cannot be underestimated. His devotion to his mother, isolation, and the exploration of the boundaries between love and obsession contribute significantly to the thematic depth of the novel. His actions and choices serve as a driving force for the plot, guiding the family's journey to honor their deceased matriarch. William Faulkner masterfully crafts Jewel as a multi-dimensional character whose role and influence in the story make "As I Lay Dying" a compelling exploration of the human experience.

Updated: Aug 25, 2023
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The role of Lafe in "As I Lay Dying" and how his character influences the plot.. (2023, Aug 25). Retrieved from

The role of Lafe in "As I Lay Dying" and how his character influences the plot. essay
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