The Responsibility For Contradiction: Managing Cross Cultural Conflict

Clash is a part of man, so it is a wide range of socio-cultural and professional relations. Those who do not experience conflict in the workplace are living in the dream world, their environment blind or in solitary confinement (Boehar, 2001). Over the past several decades, the conflict and its administration have increased internationally and at an interim level (Rahim, 1989, Thomas, 1992). The conflict and its management have been investigated from various angles and disciplined perspectives such as psychology, behavioral sciences, sociology, communication, health science and humanities (Wall and Galster, 1995, Vecchio, 2000).

Though the number of conflicting comments and limitations has increased, there is no general definition of conflicts and conflicts.

Management scientists share renewed interest in the conflict and its administrative workplace (Jehn, 2000; Kumar and Van Dissel, 1996; Putnam and Bhule, 1987; Rahim, 2002, Jaff 1999). These interest companies organizations (Schermerhorn et al. 1997) clash with increased observation and instances of collisions with companies inherently cooperative and conflict (Pondy, 1992: 257). Rahim (2002: 206) Its constructive management is important for the optimal performance of the companies; However, most conflict management recommendations focus on the reduction, resolution or reduction of the focus, because it will have a negative impact on companies and individuals.

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Clash management should focus on a continuous change. It can lead to suffering and distraction from work, affecting decision-making processes, relationships and personal ability, as well as productivity and creativity (Govan, 1995: 24). In addition, there are evidence that conflicts can have negative impact on enterprise productivity, and costs increase (Burton, 1990). These claims, however, are constructively managed, and the conflict can provide a favorable contribution to work satisfaction and well-being (D.

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True et al., 2004: 15) and depression reduction (Friedman et al., 2000).

Wills and Al. (2006), the management of the conflict in the workplace include the study and analytical and effective intervention techniques of organizational conflict and development of solutions. Corporate conflict management techniques include conflict types, conflict impact, and analysis of conflict resolution styles (Rahim, 2002). However, it is the 'common sense' that conflict management management scientists (Francis, 2003, Bondi, 1967) is the best way to manage a situation and an environmental and ecological approach (Rahim, 2001). This approach considers the cross-cultural background and attempts to 'take a better approach' to manage the conflict (Rahim, 2002: 217). However, one of the most useful key ideas in reducing organizational conflicts in the global environment is considered collaborative (Blake and Moudon, 1986).

The internationalization processes of various institutions and the increase in philosophies in the lifespan and focus on research on cross-cultural, cultural and cultural conflict (Mayer, 2008) This trend of increased cross-cultural conflict management research stimulates further increased potential

Cross-cultural conflict in the international workplace. As a result, its influence in culture and conflicts, as well as management of research in culture and conflict management (Moran, 1993), and management of conflict management (Moran and Fu, 2001), in cross-cultural management (Gerhard, 2008), and conflict management. The centrality of cross-cultural contradictions in institutional systems requires the theoretical approach to culture, cultural concepts and definitions, as well as cultural-implications of personal-private communication, conflict and its administration. Management studies to identify the source of the conflict are often seen as one of the most important tasks in conflict management theory, conflict types (Linee, 2002), conflict management typologies (Blake and Moudon, 1964, Rahim and Bonomo, 1979), Face-negotiation theory (Oetzel et al., 2001) and cultural differences in companies (Gartzke and Gleditsch, 2006). In addition, the study of conflict and culture in cross-cultural and cultural groups has contributed to the body of literature in this field (Brett et al., 2006; Cowan, 1995).

The contrasts are often associated with values and identity (Cartridge and Cooper, 2000, Mayer, 2010). Because an individual or group differs from the others, and by understanding the opposition, interests, beliefs, needs and values of others, they are analyzed by conflict - which is considered culturally influential - This leads to recognition of many facts (Letrach, 1988). Many of these facts are combined with the inner processes (Rahim, 2002), which are created by various parts of the soul, value system and behavior (Folger et al., 2001). By having a crucial role in understanding and modifying conflicts in cross-cultural systems systems, there is a need for more research on identity and values.

The Goal For This Special Issue

A special discussion on 'Manage cross-cultural contradictions in organizations' in providing a forum to examine how cross-cultural contradiction and how its administrative structure can be viewed from a variety of perspectives. It is aimed at carrying out international and international cross-cultural conflict management research. Innani and research findings from the visits. The cross-cultural contradiction-management research research based on cross-cultural contradiction and its role in the development of various areas of the world, including short-term and quantitative research and theoretical and ideology.

These special publishing articles refer to current and relevant research questions:

  • How do the theoretical approaches understand the culture and conflict?
  • What are cultural-contradictions when there are contradictions in international conflicts? What are the cross-cultural conflicts in different regions and institutions selected in the country, and how are these contradictions successful?
  • How is it related to culture and international mediation?
  • Which team conflicts and cross-cultural conflicts are members of the team?
  • How do the contradictions contribute to specific structural forms, such as contradictions and acquisitions?
  • What is the nature of the relationship between cross-cultural conflict and identity?

By addressing these research questions, this special release serves a diverse understanding of the problems in the company's cross-cultural conflicts in specific situations and situations. The discussion of the cross-cultural contradiction and its administration has been reduced to the end of the debate. Furthermore, this special publication improves the understanding of the contradictory and emerging ideology of the cross-cultural conflict and its management cross cultural organization management theory, practical and interim experimentation. Finally, articles presented in this affair do not answer questions for existing research, and introduce new ideas and new questions for future research.

Short Introduction To Articles

This special publication provides a deep insight into the latest theoretical discussion on cross-cultural contradictions in international systems and current experience research. As a result, it contains essays from cultural advocacy, political science and international relations, human resources management and organizational studies, as well as from teachers who argue from various regulatory perspectives that include explanatory humanities and ethanography. Different countries and various organizational concepts and research findings provide readers with a comprehensive look at the complicated nature of conflict management research.

These articles are about a dialogue using a variety of methods that allow different research process data from positive approach and social structural and explanatory contradictions.

Dominic Bushz maintains cultural theory and confrontation in companies, and refers to the question of how the theory creates understanding of culture. He creates an analytical built-in synthetic model that reveals a wide range of forms, and the size of the speculated influence of culture on social contact in enterprise systems. Provides a lecture-analytical approach to finding the interactive ideas of culture by providing experienceful experiences. This article points to the subjective ideas of culture from a discourse-analytical point of view, contributing to innovative theoretical approaches in internal-cultural communication and research by introducing and introducing various opinions in culture.

Jacob Pergovich and John Folsky focus on the cross-cultural contradiction from the perspective of political science and international relations. The authors criticize the traditional attitudes of contradiction and its administration in political science, which ignores the inner aspects of culture and emphasizes the supremacy of the state. In this article, the importance of the intrinsic impact of culture is given importance to the inner conflict by the cultural and religious doctrine. As a result, the authors cultivate a theoretical framework for the study of culture, and its impact on mediation. In this article, the importance of cross-cultural factors in international conflict management is supported by a large amount of data.

The first two quotes, from the various moral backgrounds, from a theoretical perspective, are defined by cultural and conflict (management), the following four articles focus on managing the conflict from a management and organizational research perspective. They provide quality and quantity data and represent various corporate, administrative and national environments.

The Yonne du Blues article deals with cross-cultural conflicts in many cultural organizational environments. He examines the problem from a human resource perspective by analyzing teamwork and teamwork discrepancies. By using a mixed research method, du Plessis provides the most relevant research data in the South African administrative context. By referring to the complex cultural and historical context of South African society, he contributes to the study of cross-cultural conflict-management challenges in group work conflicts.

Yakov Weber, Dalia Rashman-Moore and Shomo Edidia Daraba contribute to this special release by referring to human resource practices during the post-conflict clashes and link performance. By examining the complex differences between the authors of the buyers from different countries, human resources are managed in cross-cultural conflict situations, and relation between human resource resources, and post-link performance. As a result of this deep-scale study results, a different picture illustrates how the differences in the conflicts and acquisitions differ by increasing the theoretical and administrative impacts.

By addressing various useful ways of managing the concept and conflict of learning, David A. Hughes, the transformation of the learning system in the British, German and South African human resources education-management environment. L. Goldwell and Andrea Fred examine. The authors use a designed measuring tool to implement five consoles of a conservative system, and indicate that the model of learning may require specific adaptations to meet the needs of various cultural environment.

By questioning, 'engineers are religious?' Jasmine Mahadevan is from an idea of anthropological and ethnographic perspective for managing cross-cultural conflicts. He uses an explanatory, sensitive-based approach to cross-cultural contradiction and joint identification in the context of multi-cultural cultural technologies. By focusing on professional identity and religious practices among the various employees working in two German-based engineering companies,

Mahadevan inferred the relationship between conflict and various interference factors, and estimating the cross-cultural conflict in how a narrative perspective creates a model. The article introduces new thoughts and thinking in the cross-cultural conflict management debate, further encouraging research and discussion of the topic. You are now invited to read more, encouraging you to move forward with the debate, constructive, contradictory, but controversial.


  1. Blake RR and Mouton JS (1964) The Managerial Grid: Key Orientations for Achieving Production through People. Houston, TX: Gulf Publishing Co.6 International Journal of Cross Cultural Management 12(1)
  2. Blake RR and Mouton JS (1986) From theory to practice in interface problem solving. In: Worchel S, Austin WG (eds) Psychology of Intergroup Relations. Chicago: Nelson-Hall.Boohar D (2001) Resolving conflict without punching someone out. Fort Worth Business Press 13: 22.
  3. Brett J, Behfar K and Kern MN (2006) Managing multi-cultural teams. Harvard Business Review 11: 84–95.
  4. Burton JW (1990) Conflict: Human Needs Theory. London: Macmillian. Cartwright S and Cooper CL (2000) HR Know-How in Mergers and Acquisition. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.
  5. Gavriel, A. J. (2014). Incorporating Cultural Intelligence into Joint Intelligence. Culture, Conflict, and Counterinsurgency, 18-45. doi:10.11126/stanford/9780804785952.003.0002
Updated: Feb 25, 2024
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The Responsibility For Contradiction: Managing Cross Cultural Conflict. (2024, Feb 25). Retrieved from

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