The prospective future of computing

The complex world of computing has been evolving ever since its creation many years ago. Countless new creations and inventions allow this compound subject to continuously expand and grow as the years go on. There are different examples of the evolution of computing such as the everlasting updates of different smartphones (i.e. the apple iPhone and the Samsung galaxy). Since the world is always changing, it would only make sense that the technology of a technology-oriented world would change as well.

In the years to come, I feel that the world will be completely dominated by technological concepts such as voice recognition, self-driving cars, and robots.

Voice recognition, invented in the 1990s, is a conception that has aided millions of people across the world already in recent years. Seeing as this is an invention that is currently embedded within society today, I believe that the next major advances of this technology will come forth in the next five to ten years.

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Although voice recognition is already used when it comes to making demands whether it be using a smartphone or using devices such as the Google Home or the Amazon Echo, I feel that voice recognition will soon be incorporated in other aspects of life. For instance, voice recognition could be used to operate appliances in the house such as microwave s and refrigerators. Even though there are already smart refrigerators being used, the voice recognition used for these refrigerators could allow for the user to vocally open the doors and even the drawers within the refrigerator.

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This update could help many people who are unable to bend down and open drawers or who are a bit weak and cannot fully open the doors with ease, such as the elderly. The voice recognition used with microwaves could allow for time inputs to be vocally translated to the microwave which would make it easier for those who are mentally delayed and need assistance with choosing the correct time for certain food items. Also, individuals who are unable to keep still in order to use the microwave, such as individuals that suffer from Parkinson's Disease, could benefit from being able to use microwaves equipped with voice recognition. "Voice search providers need to figure out a way to provide a choice through medium that lends itself best to short responses", says Clark Boyd [1]. Once a broader horizon is established regarding the choice options users are given when using voice recognition devices, the technology of this idea can further integrate itself into the lives of people everywhere.

Self -driving cars have fascinated millions since they were first brought about. The thought that an invention such as this could potentially prevent car accidents and keep many safe is amazing to most. Although these captivating cars have already been invented, the cars aren't fully self-dependent yet. These cars are intended to allow the driver leeway when driving in the instance of a distracted driver or a fatigued driver who is likely to fall asleep behind the wheel. "At the moment the technology still needs a human behind the wheel to intervene. But in general, the car does the driving", writes Campanella [2].

These cars are not yet capable of driving without the accompaniment of a human driver just yet. I foresee, however, that in the next ten to fifteen years these cars will be fully capable of driving to a destination on its own without the need of a human behind the wheel. The drivers will be able to input the directions into the vehicle and sit back and relax and allow the vehicle to seamlessly and safely transport them to their destination while still following procedural traffic rules. The advancement of this already existing invention would take the auto industry by storm. If in high demand, it would hurt the sales of other auto companies who don't offer self -driving cars. Also, if these cars are as safe as manufacturers portray them to be, the roads could potentially be much safer than how they are now.

Even though not every car on the road will be self-driving, the cars that are could protect the passengers inside from the recklessness of the human drivers around them. This could have a major effect on the population by saving millions of lives that would usually be lost in road crashes involving human drivers.

The creation and advancement of robots has brought not only excitement to the public but has also brought along a wave of fear. In recent timing, such robot creations, like Hanson Robotics robot creation named Sophia, have amazed many people worldwide as her capabilities were broadcasted for people to see. There are already numerous examples of recent advancements of robotics like the ones highlighted in the article written by Edd Gent [3]. I think that it is very likely that within the next century robots will be fully integrated into our everyday life including households and workplaces.

There could possibly be robots that a recreated to do household chores besides the miniature ones already created such as those that are programmed to vacuum spaces within the house. These robots would be able to sweep, wash dishes, dust, and even fold clothes. These household integrated robots could potentially save people a lot of time and help those who live on their own, and even those who don't, but aren't quite able to do every chore demanded of them in order to upkeep the house. It is highlighted in the article written by Rhodri Marsden as to why it is taking a while for robots to be integrated into the household. "A few years back, Microsoft's Greg Shirakyan outlined three problems that still hold true today: our domestic environments are designed to be interacted with by humans rather than machines, which puts robots at an immediate disadvantage; the robot's lack of social intelligence and, lastly, the absence of a strong idea of what a domestic robot should actually look like", states Marsden [4]. Once these kinks are worked out, which they will with patience and time, the integration of robot s in the household will be able to be a reality. The workplace can also benefit from having robots integrate d into everyday life. Although many people see robots taking the jobs of many in the country, these creations could also be used to do more simple tasks in the workplace in order to make the workday easier when needing to complete those larger tasks. An example of this would be found in the office workplace if robots were to be integrated. These simple jobs could include getting coffee, working the printers, and shredding papers. This could free up time for those who are always swamped with work. This could also replace the need to hire those assistants that tend to do the small jobs in the office and eliminate the need to spend extra money on these assistants thus creating even more money to be spent on other things involving the establishment.

The future of computing is very complex. It is very difficult to pinpoint what the future looks like so, therefore, it isn't definite about the future of computing. However, with the progress that has been made in recent years, different predictions can be made about what the future holds for the relationship between society and technology. The constant advancement of technology allows for the lives of future people to become easier as new inventions arise in order to better help during everyday life.


    [1] Clark Boyd. Speech Recognition Technology: The Past, Present, and Future, 2018.
    [2] Emanuela Campanella. The future of self-driving cars, explained, 2018.
    [3] Edd Gent. From Parkour to Surgery, Here Are the Top 10 Recent Advancements in Robotics, 2019.
    [4] Rhodri Marsden. Are domestic robots the way of the future? 2018.
Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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