The Positive Effects of Music on Students Who Are Doing Homework

Does music help when doing homework? Have the parents ever said music will distract and confuse while doing homework? Well does music really help on homework, are the parents correct or not? Many people think music will distract a student on the work. Also many think music will actually help on the work given to the student. Music will actually relax the mind and keep it working. When the mind is is stressed out then the student can not stay focused then they won't be able to work.

“Erick Swanson,2009 says that music is like a soothing lullaby, puts the worrisome unfocused part goes to sleep and the productive side goes straight to work”]. That is why music is good for school work it will be sharp and it won't get stressed out. In conclusion listening to music will help keep away stress and stop from working, so the sharp side of your mind will work and the distracted side will be not be able to stop the student from working.

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When listening to music it would be best listen to music that know and like.

If the student haven't heard the song before or if the student doesn't like it then it will be to distracting to work The student will be to distracted because of the new lyrics and the new be to distracted by complaining about it and thinking it is a horrible song. If the student doesn't like the song then the student's brain will not be able to work the way it would to a song liked and heard many times before.

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In conclusion Seymour Simon says it would be best to listen to a song heard many times and like so the student will not be tempted to learn the new lyrics and try to see what the singer is saying rather then to work on there homework. Music will block all sounds around so all the sounds heard are the music and all the student will be thinking about is the work. When doing homework in a noisy place make sure to bring an iPod so that the sounds won't be distracting.

In the class room during a quiz it would be best to have music, so the sounds of other students wont be distracting. Also the other students might finish earlier and the student might start talking among each other, This auther concludes that music will be a way to block all sound so other former students will not be distracting. In this project music helps on homework because it relaxes the mind. So that the mind won't get stressed out. Music brings creativity, which can help with projects and homework. Does music help on homework yes music brings creativity, relaxes your mind, helps in thinking, and it will help in concentration. These topics are all alike because all of the topics help on homework. Also it states  beat. Also when listening to songs the student doesn't like they will that music will helps take away stress. So all of the topics help each other.

Updated: Aug 09, 2022
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The Positive Effects of Music on Students Who Are Doing Homework. (2022, Aug 09). Retrieved from

The Positive Effects of Music on Students Who Are Doing Homework essay
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