The Patriot Movie: Plot Summary

Categories: The Patriot Movie

The Patriot Movie: Plot Summary BY slashi214 The movie "The Patriot" takes place in South Carolina in 1776. Benjamin Martin, a French, Indian war hero who is haunted by his past, is a patriot who wants no part in a war with Brittan. Meanwhile, his two eldest sons, Gabriel and Thomas, can't wait to go out and kill some Redcoats. When South Carolina decides to go to war with Britain, Gabriel immediately signs up to fght... without his father's permission. But soon, Colonel Tavington, British solder infamous for his brutal tactiks, captures Gabriel and entences him to be hanged.

As Gabriel is taken away, Thomas tries to free him, only to be killed by Tavington, in front of Benjamin. Now, seeking revenge for his son's death, Benjamin leaves behind his 5 other children to bring independence to the 13 colonies. After proving himself on the field of battle in the French and Indian War, Benjamin Martin wants nothing more to do with such things, preferring the simple life of a farmer.

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But when his son Gabriel enlists in the army to defend their new nation,

America, against the British, Benjamin reluctantly returns to his old life to protect his son, now serving under his command, and his family from British tyranny Ashamed of his savagery during the French and Indian War, Benjamin Martin decided he would sit out the American Revolution, while his oldest son Gabriel enlisted minutes after South Carolina Joined the fight. He changes his mind when his house is burned down and one of his children is killed by the savage Green Dragoon ommander Colonel Tavington.

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Quickly realizing that traditional 18th century warfare tactics won't work, Martin organizes militiamen into a guerilla unit to harass Cornwallis' army long enough to allow the French to arrive. Benjamin Martin is a South Carolina planter who is still haunted by his notoriously brutal past as a soldier in the French and Indian War. When the American Revolution comes, he chooses not to fight for the Continental Army because he wants to protect

Updated: Jun 05, 2020
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