The Origin and Characteristics of a Guitar

The guitar is an instrument that first appeared in 1800-1900 BC. In the old Middle East, clay pots were found with images of priests playing instruments that very much resemble the guitar. The guitar is one of the oldest and most symbolic human instruments. The guitar, in the opinion of many, is the main building material in music.

The guitar is the main connecting link in the Lego set, which is music. When playing the guitar, music must be built through feeling, not through thinking.

When really playing the guitar, it has to feel like an extension of the hand. Creating a melody on the guitar should become second nature, just like your beating heart or breathing in and out. The fingers should be a fine tuned mechanism, the final touch in the creation of the song and the conclusion of the piece. Playing guitar should be a sensation, not a thought, it should be an continuation of the hand.

A guitar is an instrument that takes opposites pieces and plasters them together into a certain harmony.

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A guitars strings are E, A, D, G, B, and E; from these 6 different notes over 10,000 different noisy combinations can be made, yet they can be put together to make a pure sound. Playing the guitar is an architectural form that takes nothing and makes something. In another light, guitar is taking complete chaos and turning it to organization; much like how different blocks are thrown on the floor, get picked up and placed into a certain location, and a certain figure is erected from the mess.

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The guitar truly takes chaos and noise and molds it into a melody.

A guitar is an object that cannot be used negatively (unless youre a pro wrestler). All a guitar does is erect pure sounds, free from prejudices and discriminations. People claim music causes people to do drastic things; I think its people that cause people to do something drastic. How can an inanimate yet very important object made of metal, wood, and nylon make someone want to kill another human being? The guitar cant be used to build up any negative feelings about anything in the least.

The guitar is the main building block of art and culture in the eyes of people all over. As I stated earlier the guitar can be traced back to 1900 B.C. Ever since then the guitar has made an appearance in almost every society from Ancient Egypt and Rome to Russian and of course, American. When people think culture they think music; Beethoven, Mozart, and Chopin are all viewed as the foreman of civilized life. Although classical music is refined and the composers that manufactured these songs made great music, their music only fits into one category. The guitar itself has no limitations on music; it can produce a D.Js sound effects, classical clean tones, gut wrenching heavy distortion, and almost anything else you want it to. The guitar is a screw driver in the world of music; one of the most versatile instruments around.

The guitar is by far as versatile as the shape shifting chameleon; there isnt a genre of music it cant conform to. The guitar puts people, ideas, music and a million other things together. It is a tool that can be used as an extension of the arm to portray music. Its melodies can fabricate a type of feeling that is only found through meditation or other spiritual outlets. Its melodies cannot build a sense of hatred but only a sense of musical accomplishment and happiness. The guitar is a major block in the castle that is the world.

Updated: Dec 12, 2022
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The Origin and Characteristics of a Guitar essay
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