The Most Impactful Factors of Human Happiness and Life Purpose

Categories: GreekMoney

Greeks defined happiness as "the joy that we feel when we’re striving after our potential," so how does happiness contribute to a good life. As adolescents we tend to turn a blind eye to the more important things; to the more consequential things; like how to achieve jubilance and aspire to reach our dreams. For example, young adults tend to fantasize about gaining a gross amount of money, but what they fail to realize is that it does not insure bliss; living in a colossal space tends to make us feel more alone and fame can often lead to isolation.

So, then the question is asked, what truly makes one’s life good?

By definition, it is considered to be a well-balanced lifestyle. While I agree, what is it that makes one’s life balanced and what are they balancing? In my opinion, a good life can only be obtained when one has passion, positive relationships where love is being provided and security; without either one of these things, a ecstatic, good life will be near impossible to reach.

“Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion,’’ said Georg a German philosopher.

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Passion is defined ‘when something challenges, intrigues as well as incentivizes people’. It can often cause one to ephemerally forget what they are doing is work and in some cases be the reason for working. Being passionate about something tends to give people a purpose, which ultimentaily allows many to reveal their likes, as well as dislikes.

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For example, if one was working an office job where they would work long hours; inditing reports on topics they did not relish, it would result in loss of motivation. Coercing themselves to get the work done in order to get paid, rather than finding motivation within themselves. This would be a definition of a miserable life; one where a person must force themself to consummate a task in order to get paid, rather than finding an interior motivator. Having a passion allows workers to place more effort within their projects and overall creates a better employee. As humans having a connection with other individuals are paramount towards our mental health.

Building a substratum of trust, love, as well as support between 2 or more people, allow many to live an ecstatic, salubrious life. Relationships; whether its platonic or romantical, avail in engendering more salubrious lifestyles. If someone is around us a lot makes a change in their diet, we too might follow that categorical diet; other people greatly influence our actions. Another example is the feeling of security. Within a relationship, one is able to feel they are a part of something more preponderant. In result, this feeling avails to gain a sense of salubrity or well-being. When writers verbalize about a life purpose, it’s mostly followed by a cliché. How a life purpose transpires to be something every person needs to survive, and what might occur to us if we do not fill this need.

A purpose or meaning in life, is another thing humans need to live to their full potential. “There are two great days in a person’s life –the day we are born and the day we discover why,” William Barclay. This is a famous quote that many psychologists recite to their patients. An individual struggling with a phrenic illness must look for some type of life meaning in order to pull themselves out of a slump. Feeling useful is a feeling many strive to reach, yet majority of us are placed in an existential vacuüm, which is a feeling of vacuousness, perplexity and lack of direction in one’s life. When all our fundamental needs are met, we often to lose direction since we consummated all our basic for survival. Managing to gain a primary motivator will avail keeping people engaged in the life they are currently living and can be a major factor in pushing oneself out of a difficult situation.

Happiness contributes to a good life in many ways, beginning with passions, positive relationships, and ending with the exploration of one’s life purpose. Passion’s sanction us to feel motivated, engendering a sense of belonging. Having strong bonds with other people sanction us to communicate better; opening doors full of future opportunities. Determinately, a life purpose is what most humans look for. It not only avails self-esteem, it engenders a sense of security. That sense of security is another very important trait in living a good life. Though there are many other factors that intertwine with a good life, in my opinion these are the most impactful.

Updated: Feb 23, 2024
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The Most Impactful Factors of Human Happiness and Life Purpose. (2024, Feb 23). Retrieved from

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