"The Matter of Seggri" by Ursula Le Guin

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The book "the Matter of Seggri", from Ursula Le Guin created a whole new relationship between men and women. In the novel, men and women are not allowed to fall in love. The only thing that men and women can have is lust and money. Women pay for the men after they get sex from the men in the fuckery. Women see men as an impregnated machine in order to increase their population. Under the dystopian society that Le Guin described, women have the power and the men have the benefits.

There is no such a freedom for the men. Castle and the fuckeries are the only two places they can go. They either fight for the game or serve in the fuckery. It is very impressed for the readers on what happen after the gender switches because it completely subverts their recognitions comparing with their real life.

And Le Guin’s applied rhetorical strategy of sympathy to deliver her message of gender inequality and also her hopes for the equal society.

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Comparing with the reality, honestly, men are still in charge on most of the places even though some women are in charge as well nowadays. However, in the novel, women have the absolute power, and men are living under their domination. Love between men and women are extremely common in modern society, and that can define as a human norm, which means that these actions are common among human being. Nevertheless, in Le Guin’s book, this kind of relationship has been tabooed.

Le Guin’s thought is a novelty for readers because she created a society where women dominate supreme and men have no freedom.

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If this book presents in a different way which is the men predominate the women, will this book still attract the audience? The answer should be no because that is the world that we already known about. What reader needs is that something that they never think about it or never meets before. Even though the women have the power, they still need men because give them an opportunity to raise a child. Just like human being cannot live without the oxygen. The point for Le Guin is to make a room for audience to consider the question, which the gender inequality, from different angles. Male audience can realize the severity of women not being respect. Female audience can understand that they should stand out and strive for their deserved rights.

Updated: Oct 30, 2020
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"The Matter of Seggri" by Ursula Le Guin. (2017, Jan 04). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/the-matter-of-seggri-by-ursula-le-guin-essay

"The Matter of Seggri" by Ursula Le Guin essay
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