The light bulk of the house is supported by a metal ring

Categories: House And Home

The light bulk of the house is supported by a metal ring with supporting legs that elevate it of the ground. Main material consisted of composed of fiberglass-reinforced polyester plastics.

Even though the house was designed for a friend, it attracted many people for its space look which gave the future vibe. However, only less than a hundred were made. Some locals just found it too out of the box for their small rural environments. They could not visualise it. Some banks were hesitant on funding these houses.

As some see plastic as a very cheap material, in the 1973 oil crisis where its price doubles, it became extremely expensive to produce it. The Futuro did not develop other than an interest to people, and a place to bounce of ideas rather than a movement to view our future.

Although Suuronen believed the Futuro House's low production cost and adaptability made it an ideal solution to housing shortages across the globe, the houses never truly caught on with the wider public.

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Approximately sixty Futuro Houses can still be found today, performing several different functions and in varying levels of repair.

According to Bianchini, The Maison Bulle is perhaps the most successful design among those we could collectively call "futuristic plastic houses ", mostly designed in the '50s, '60s and early '70s.

The concept, which originates from the experimental work of Austrian-American architect Frederick John Kiesler, specifically from The Endless House designed in 1950. It was developed by a generation of designers.

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The main goal was to create small "democratic" buildings, made in numerous types of synthetic material. It had to be cheap, movable, compact, industrially manufactured, durable, and integrated into the landscape. The influence of the "space age aesthetic" and the introduction of new plastic materials in that era influenced those designers and their vision of modernity. The house is composed of six polyester plastic shells, all identical in shape and dimensions. The house was designed to be fastened to and joined to one another by a lower hexagonal steel frame and an upper polyester dome; the windows are made of a single curved piece of methacrylate. Overall, the house can be moved by a truck and assembled on site in a few days; the structure is supported by a small concrete base. It has the early pre-fabrication process already ahead. The house is of 390 square feet forming an open one undivided, area. The design of the house can be joined to another duplicate and create a cluster. The most famous example of the use of Bubble House for a residential development was those realized near the village of Gripp, in the Haute-Pyren?es region of France. In the figure above, 20 units were installed in 1968 to create a new tourist resort. The houses were inhabited until 1998 and some of them are still visible now. Unfortunately, after a short period of success, the production of the Maison Bulle terminated in 1970.

Another house which is also known for its futuristic appeal is The Kunstoffhaus FG 2000, house of Wolfgang Feierbach

When this house in Germany was originally built in 1970, it had very quirky interior design that was very odd at the time. It had carpet glued to the ceiling. We imagine it generally being a pain to clean lead to its removal, but it still was acceptable and 'groovy'. The house is still in mint condition, even after 50 years later. The outer skin/shell has not changed. However, the function of the house is now changed to a bureau. This house is built in 1979. According to Feierbach, it did not require any renovation and won't be necessary in the future. Fierbach said that the goal of making a high-quality investment property "residence" durable and of producing industrial quality has been achieved, although the experts were unable to predict those who worked for the 1969-1973 permit for a longer life than 12 years in the plastic home setting.

Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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The light bulk of the house is supported by a metal ring essay
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