The Lessons I Learned in the Film Remember the Titans

Categories: Remember The Titans

“Remember the Titans” is a tantalizing football film and according to Wikipedia it was released on September 29,2000 produced by Jerry Bruckheimer and directed by

Boaz Yakin. The film is based on a true story of a former African-American high school football coach back in 1971 of T.C Williams High School. Remember the Titans showed how unfair the society is, but according to Nora Sakavic “It’s not the world that’s cruel. It’s the people in it.”

The three lessons I’ve learned in the film are all about unity, attitude, and humbleness.

In the film I saw a lot of scenes about racism that reflects the reality. Racism is a belief about the superiority of one race over another. There is “white” people and “black” people. Because of this attitude it results to discrimination that can cause a big impact people’s lives. According to Coach Boone that “You listen, and you take a lesson from the dead. If we don’t come together right now on this hallowed ground, we too will be destroyed, just like they were.

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I don’t care if you like each other or not, but you will respect each other.” Hatred destroys everything. We are born equal. We should not judge people based on their physical appearances. In order for us to have unity, we need to love, respect, and accept each other whole heartedly. In the film, as they started to get to know each other, the barrier between them is now gone.

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They began to learn from each other and from their mistakes. Friendship is important. It’s rare in life to find someone who understands you, someone who can figure out how you’re feeling when you can’t even find the words to express it yourself. In the film, there’s a lot of fighting scenes. We should remember that fighting does not solve anything, it will never fix the situation. Unity is everything, teamwork is everything. There’s “No man in an island”, there is no “I” in a team. Everyone needs to do their best, to work harder and smarter to be successful. Cooperation is needed in a team.

For the attitude, Julius Campbell said to Gerry Bertier that “Attitude reflects leadership, captain.” Attitude is very important in life. Because a leader with positive attitude and thinking can bring great success. It can help us focused and set goals. A team leader cannot have a poor attitude and expect the team members to be positive. Always remember th,at one is for all and all is for one. </p><p>Lastly, is about humbleness, according to Coach Yoast “Sometimes you have to go back to your roots to see how far you have made it.” It reminds me that we should not forget who we are, when we came from, and the things we learned along the way. A lot of people became successful and tends to forget where they came from. Yes, each one of us has the right to be happy and proud when we became successful but it’s not a valid reason to disrespect and to be rude to others. Success is about learning, be humble. As C.S. Lewis said, “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.”

Updated: Feb 02, 2024
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