The Industrial Revolution as an Age of New Inventions

Although some things worked, and some things didn’t, which is the reason why the Industrial revolution had many short-term and long-term negative and positive effects. Many people would observe the negative and positive results in these Industrial Cities such as factory workers, factor owners, government, and just about anyone from the cities. Honestly, if it wasn’t for the Industrial Revolution, we wouldn’t have anything right now. Everything that we lay our hands on is basically all made from manufacturing.

Thankfully, Industrialization and Manufacturing opened the doors to the world and made our economy the way it is now.

A brief introduction of the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution was the first to industrialize in England in the late 1700s. Also known to be the Agriculture Revolution, not many people needed to farm so farming became easier in a way. Although, people in England did need employment so when people got the employment they needed, England’s population grew and grew.

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There were quite a few natural resources that were used for their own specific reasons. Water and coal were a resource used for power in the power plants and even the turbines. It was known as a thing called the cooling system. Iron ore machinery was a resource that was used to mine back in the day. It was very helpful for all the industrial machinery industries. Harbor was a resource that would use ships to sail out products or agriculture as well.

They would ship them out of the country and into another as for they would sometimes bring back something different, just like if they did a trade.

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Rivers were a resource used for inland transportation. If people needed to get to some place or wanted to travel out of the country into another, they would take rivers to get there. Honestly, I don’t understand how they wouldn’t get lost. One thing people would do quite often was invest. As people would create new inventions, people would like their idea and buy of them for a decent price in which people started investing and expanding the economy to make it larger. The Government of England approved all the ideas agreeing to it making the country better in many ways.

Now let’s get into the positive and negative effects of the Industrial Revolution. Factories had both positive and negative effects. One positive effect from factories was due to the assembly line. Factories had many workers who had an assembly line or schedule towards their work and when they had to get it done by a certain time, they would have the whole finished project done by that time. It can be something similar to mass production because they get their work done by the time they are supposed to. With machinery being a big help in the industries, they get to make products without using a lot of money. But then again, this also causes the retail prices of the products to go down. With all of this combined, mass production leads to an increase in supply of goods with greater accessibility. In other words, because of factories we have more than just one product as the assembly line keeps them on track to be released by a certain amount.

The negative part of the factories was that people were stuck working in a place they didn’t enjoy. As for them having poor working conditions such as poor lighting, horrible pay, injuries, etc. Working in an unsafe place where there was pollution, long hours with no breaks, of course nobody was going to enjoy that type of job. Although the machinery was a good thing for the job, it was also very unsafe because people would get injured and knowing back in time, they didn’t quite care if they were injured. They just wanted their work done. Another thing was the problem with pollution. People would end up getting super ill, especially since it was a closed area, and everyone was right next to each other while they worked, of course they would catch the illness easily.

Factories would not pay enough for a person to be able to put food on the table. That is really sad. Some people would work so much more to get paid very little while others would work very little to get paid a lot, I don’t think that is fair. Not only were workers adults but there were also children. Child labor was horrible. Sometimes children wouldn’t even get paid for working but what the owners liked about having children was because they were easy to control and easy for them to listen.

In conclusion, my view point on the industrial revolution was mainly both good and bad. Only reason why I actually liked it was because without the industries, we wouldn’t be America right now, or any city, country, state, wouldn’t exist right now. We needed the industrial revolution to build all that we have now as factories were a big help also, but they were not safe for people. To this day, factories continue to pollute the earth and people continue to get ill but at least they get paid fairly now.

Updated: May 21, 2022
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The Industrial Revolution as an Age of New Inventions essay
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