The Individual and Group Efforts to Bring Equality in California

Many different groups in California formed based off of gender, race, or politically opinions. A majority of the groups in California during the period of growth, had to strive for equal rights. Woman's activist groups, the Chicano movement, Black suffrage, and even post war Japanese struggled to gain the same rights as the average white male. The Chicano movement was large part of California history due to the large number of Mexican Americans residing in California. The movement was established after the long period of mistreated Mexican Americans in California that were fighting for citizen rights, and equality in America.

Events such as the Zoot suit riots helped bring attention to the government to how mistreated they were.

The zoot suit riots occurred during World War two era, and started due to the traditional suits that Chicanos preferred. The suits consumed a large portion of textiles and during the time of war, textiles were rationed. This cause an upset in others and created a lash out of violent attacks on Chicanos by American military.

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The Chicano movement and brown berets fought to gain equal opportunity to participate as American citizens. The Chicanos much like black Americans were underpaid and often unemployed and unable to vote in many aspects. The protests, riots, and organized political parties of these racial groups strive to gain equality. It was until many years after that the Chicanos gained the same rights as Americans. Black Americans had probably the hardest time in California acquiring rights and establishing participation.

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Many black Americans were abused, and treated poorly, all because of their race.

The strive for economic participation didn't occur till after World War two, the war helped African Americans as well as women prove that they could be reliable assets in society. The efforts that women and minorities gave during the war helped them gain the acknowledgement of potential employers in their credibility as workers. Until the war many minorities and women were past up in the job market because the white male was the priority at the time. The efforts given in the war by these groups also helped them gain trades and experience need to preform jobs that they wouldn't normally be able to do. One of the groups that suffered from World War 2, Is the treatment of the Japanese Americans during this time. The Japanese were across California shipped off to camps to be held due to fear of attacks. This event took the trust of not only the Japanese, but of the rest of Americans. This event destroyed a lot of families due to rapid containment and lack of support after their release from the camps.?

The political parties played a large role in assisting various groups in obtaining equal rights as well as economic and political participation. The Democratic Party was a large assets in the contribution for voting rights for both the African Americans and women. The Democratic Party seeked to achieve individual support for civil rights after the 1960s. This was a period of change for many of the activists striving for their economic and political acknowledgement. These events that occurred in California helped groups achieve the equal opportunity that we have today. The individual efforts of people, as well as group efforts that were put forth in this quest for equality, eventually became successful. The amount of violence that occurred during these times was a substantial amount, may or may not have been necessary in order to achieve this. In the end, after the 2000s all American citizens had the same rights technically. Although some people may be treated different, on paper, the rights are all the same.

Updated: Oct 25, 2022
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The Individual and Group Efforts to Bring Equality in California essay
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