The Importance Of Time Management and Planning

Categories: Time Management

The importance of time management and the topic of time was analyzed and discussed in order to gain a better understanding of its importance, and discuss examples of how improper time management can affect our daily lives. Available information suggests that time is an invaluable resource and its availability should not be taken for granted or abused. Time is seemingly unlimited, but is in fact limited in every aspect of its meaning. During the research conducted, it was discovered that time can have drastic effect on a person or organizations life if not properly managed.

Along with these findings, it was unearthed that time can affect the success of the Military Decision Making Process, planning for the future, the quality of life, and resiliency.

Proper time management is an important aspect of our daily lives because it is the basis in which we are able to carry out our daily lives. We often times take time for granted or abuse the time that is given to us because many view time as infinite when in fact, time is the most valuable resource available to humans.

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When time is properly managed and everything is accomplished given a specific due date, people and entire organizations are able to successfully carry out their tasks without any obstructions or fall backs. Time is important because it allows a person to make well thought decisions, plan for the future, increase their quality of life, and build resiliency.

In the Army, the Military Decision Making Process is the fundamental process used to prepare, plan for, and execute an operation or an order (About the Military Decisionmaking Process (MDMP).

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Time is important during this process because it allows commanders and decision makers to carefully plan out and assess risks associated with the given task. For example, if a commander rushes their decisionmaking process and carries out a mission without having taken the time to critically analyze the risks or deficiencies associated with the mission, equipment or personally could be lost. This loss of life or equipment has the potential to have rippling effects across the ranks of a unit, the mission, and the Army as a whole.

Having good time management is especially important when it comes to making plans to prepare for the future. When an individual has a good understand of the time they are allotted to complete a task, they can effectively coordinate activities and events. If someone is given 12 hours to accomplish a task that takes only 6 hours to complete, that individual is not only able to take those last 6 hours to do something else productive, but they have also shown that they are capable of meeting and exceeding the standard put in front of them. With time being an invaluable resource, is it important that every person and organization have a system in place to account for certain setbacks that may arise. By effectively managing time, planning for the future can be less stressful, and allows for people accomplish their tasks on time (10 reasons why time management is important).

It is no secret that time can affect a person’s mood, but time also can increase the quality of life in a person. Time can be the difference between someone becoming successful or failing at an important milestone in their life. As more time is put towards one thing, time has to be sacrificed in another area that could be just as important. If a person spends the majority of their day being unproductive and not working towards their goal, the final product of their tasks will lack in quality, which will in return make that individual seem incompetent. The benefit of time management far outweighs the cost of hassle and punishment that can arise if a job is not completed. The saying “The more you put in, the more you will get out” is a perfect example of this. If you do not put the necessary effort into an activity, you will not get the expected results you were looking for. By managing your time, punishment, remediation, and stress can be avoided entirely.

Building and maintaining resiliency is important because it keeps people, organizations, and the Army healthy, lethal, and responsive. Resiliency is the ability to adapt or “bounce back” from a traumatic experience and situations (Building your Resiliency). In the Army, there are times where soldiers may experience depression, loss of motivation, or just lack of resiliency. There are many things that can cause someone to feel any of these ways, but by properly managing time, these feelings can be avoided. For example, if someone ineffectively manages their time and either fails tom complete their assigned task or fails to accomplish their mission, that person will experience mental stress that is counter-productive to their resilience and overall mindset. This mental strain can easily be avoided by taking advantage of the time that is given and by using it to its fullest potential.

With time being as precious as it is, it is critical that every effort is made to take full advantage of the time that is given to them. When time is not taken seriously, it not only affects the individual who failed to use their time wisely, but it affects everyone around them as well. Time is the military is a valuable resource and is what can make or break a unit or the success of a mission. Simply put, Time is important because it allows a person to make well thought decisions, plan for the future, increase their quality of life, and build resiliency. 

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Updated: Feb 29, 2024
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