The Importance of Risk Taking in Everyday Life

Explain ways in which risk is an integral part of everyday life

Every day people take risks, risks are an accepted part of everyday life.

  • Travelling on holiday
  • Catching the bus
  • Driving
  • Smoking
  • Under-training and over-training
  • Mixing alcohol with energy drinks
  • Walking to the shop

Risks are associated with our:

  • Wellbeing
  • Employment
  • Health
  • Education
  • Safety
  • Security
  • Using equipment and resources

Individuals that are disabled or older are usually the ones discouraged from taking risks within employment, financial and daily living skills because other individuals think they would hurt themselves or others and limitations.

Within my workplace, every individual that lives there has the right to make decisions and positive risk-taking. I encourage the individuals I support to be more independent.

1.2 Explain why individuals may have been discouraged or prevented from taking risks.

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Individuals need to take risks to achieve things, they should be supported and not discouraged, and because of the perceived perceptions of the individual’s limitations some individuals will discourage them from taking risks.

1.3 Describe the links between risk-taking and responsibility, empowerment and social inclusion.

The link would be offering individuals the opportunity to achieve their goals in life. Within my job role it is mine, my colleagues and management to identify the hazards and risks that come with what the individual wants. We then would decide how the risks could be reduced or made less hazardous.

2.1 Explain the process of developing a positive, person-centred approach to risk assessment.

A person-centered approach is about helping individuals and whoever involved thinking in a positive way to achieve the changes they want whilst keeping the risk low.

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Risk management is all about finding the right balance based on independence, autonomy, and protection policy for the individual and their surroundings reducing any risk.

Risk assessment for a positive person-centered approach should consist of:

• Individual’s and family involvement
• Proportionality
• Positive/informed risk-taking
• Tolerable risks
• Learning culture
• Contextualising behaviour
• Defensible decision making

2.2 Explain how to apply the principles and methods of a person-centred approach to each of the different stages of the process of risk assessment

Individual and family involvement - We need to involve the individual and there family/friends as this is vital to a person-centered approach. This uses the relationship circle to support the individual, family and friends identify the key individuals who could form the circle of support. Within this circle these individuals are involved from the beginning; they help gather information, framing of what the risks actually are, this then generates solutions and ideas. As a member of staff, I must understand what the individual, family, and friends want, how their risk is viewed and the responsibilities of each individual have in managing risks properly.

Proportionality - This is the management of the risk which must match the gravity of potential harm. Depending on the seriousness of the issue the more time and individuals can spend looking into this. This approach explores the consequences of not taking the risk to the individual, family/friends, services and community, having a good even balance of these against the potential consequence of taking the risk.

Positive/informed risk-taking - This is built around a positive view of the individual, its helps by highlighting what they can do, what they like to do. A key part of the process is thinking what it would take to keep the individual’s safe whilst taking the risk.

Human Rights Act 1998 - This act brings the European Convention on Human Rights into domestic law, which means that all public authorities must protect and respect your rights. This enables courts in the UK to hear cases about alleged breaches of human rights.

Tolerable risks - This uses creative thinking techniques around methods to lower the risk and improve the individuals quality of life, helping individuals within situations. This supports individuals take a more rational and balanced approach to risk.

Learning culture - This is a productive and positive approach to risk, it uses reflective and learning tools. It helps with what is and isn’t working, defines what staffs core duties are, the zone of judgment and creativity in relation to the risk.

Contextualising behaviour - This concentrates on the whys, why the individual acted in this way, in the situation, at that time. By looking into previous information about the individual, historical data, looking into what has and hasn’t worked.

Defensible decision making - This generates a clear trail of written records of what has previously been discussed, the different issues, perspectives, solutions and issues that are being considered as well as any legal issues.

2.3 Explain the service- Understand the importance of a positive, person-centered approach to risk assessment focused approach and a person-centered approach to risk-taking

Within a risk assessment it only identifies the likely hood of harm, it assesses the impact that it might have on the individual and inventions that will help stop or reduce the risk. These assessments do not prevent risks from happening. Risks help to understand and learn. They are full of scoring and chart systems. Within a service-focused approach, it tries to stop all risks taking place, the approach to a risk assessment would be guided by procedure and can compromise the individual's rights to make their own choices and take risks. The person-centered approach to risk-taking will always find the correct balance between what the individual wants and needs, aspirations, and what support they need.

Updated: May 19, 2021
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The Importance of Risk Taking in Everyday Life essay
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