The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders

People who suffer from personality disorders often display deviant behavior. A personality disorder is the basis of many circumstances of maladaptive behavior including substance abuse, self-harm, suicide, and criminality.

There are ten different personality disorders, each having specific symptoms, but all of them share certain characteristics. The first of these characteristics is that an individual who has a personality disorder noticeably deviates from the individual’s culture’s expectation of that person. The first of the personality disorders is a paranoid personality disorder.

A paranoid personality has a basic distrust of others, including the belief that others are trying to exploit, harm, or deceive him or her. The paranoid personality disorder is unable to forgive others of attacks (which are not apparent to others). The deviant actions which stem from a person with a paranoid personality disorder can include one who files lawsuit after lawsuit in an attempt to keep people from taking advantage of him or her. Because of the isolation, paranoid personality disorders often turn to alcoholism and drug use.

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Another personality disorder that often results in isolation is a schizoid personality disorder. The main deviant behavior of a schizoid personality is the lack of social interaction. This type of personality disorder often evolves into a serious psychotic condition known as schizophrenia.

Another type of personality disorder that may turn into schizophrenia is a schizotypal personality disorder. However, this type of personality disorder often displays eccentrics of behavior including the following: thinking that is inconsistent with subcultural norms (e.

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g. In addition to the violation of cultural norms and the possibility of schizophrenia, the schizotypal personality may be deviant in other ways. In addition to these behaviors, the schizotypal personality often seems as simply odd in behavior.

The most commonly recognized personality disorder in studying deviance is an antisocial personality disorder. The list of deviant behaviors of an antisocial personality is long. There are estimates that as high as 70-80% of the prison population has an antisocial personality disorder. The antisocial personality is often one who seriously violates the rights of others.

An example of a fictional character that seriously a violated person’s right was Alex Forrest played by Glenn Close, in the movie Fatal Attraction. The disorder portrayed here was a borderline personality disorder. This disorder is the most common of all personality disorders. The common characteristics of borderline personality are unstable personal relationships, unstable self-image, unstable emotions, and little control over impulses. It is often said that borderline personalities are often attention seekers.

A histrionic personality disorder is also classified as someone who displays a pattern of attention-seeking. In reference to interaction with others, the histrionic personality is often inappropriate sexually. Most people with this disorder do not have a problem adapting to society, however, some develop maladaptive behaviors that cause difficulties in their everyday lives.

Another personality disorder that displays a need for attention is a narcissistic personality disorder. The narcissistic personality feel that he or she is special and unique and is unable to relate to others unless they are high status or can be classified as "special" too. When interaction does occur, the narcissistic personality often takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own needs and wants. This stems from the fact that he or she is unable to recognize the needs of others.

A personality disorder that is very unlike the narcissistic personality it the avoidant personality. People who have a dependent personality disorder go beyond the lack of self-confidence of the avoidant personality. Dependent personality sufferers often have another personality disorder.

The last of the personality disorders is an obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. An obsessive-compulsive personality disorder is totally inflexible about matters of morality, ethics, or values. The associated deviant features of an obsessive-compulsive personality disorder are often depression and sexual dysfunction, which may include a total lack of sexual desire. As illustrated in this paper, all people who suffer from personality disorders display some form of deviant schizoid behavior. People often have more than one personality disorder. Because of the fact that the majority of deviants have personality disorders when dealing with a deviant, it is important to determine the disorder he or she has.

Updated: May 19, 2021
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The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders. (2020, Sep 17). Retrieved from

The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders essay
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