The Extinction of Pandas and Whether We Should Protect Them

Categories: AnimalsPanda


There is kind of voice that become stronger and stronger, which is we should not cost any more money on protection on pandas. The reason is obvious: even if there is no influence by the human, pandas would go to extinction itself.

The Difficulty in Populating the Planet

Evolution itself has made it difficult for pandas to keep populating the planet. Pandas in the wild have a mating ritual that goes on for weeks, despite the fact that females are only fertile a few days per year.

As Live Science reports, it involves a bunch of male pandas fighting for a single female hanging out in a tree until she's ready to come down. She then has to take a bit of a leadership role to position herself to be inseminated, because of the body architectural that the male panda can not do that.

From my prospective, I think the theory I mentioned above is totally wrong.


The giant panda's ancestors, like other bears, are also omnivorous beasts capable of hunting other animals, but in order to adapt to changes in the environment, they have evolved into special species of staple bamboo, competing with other food-eating animals, and have obvious niche differentiation.

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At the same time, their physiological structure and behavioral habits have changed drastically, and they are perfectly adapted to the life of bamboo as the staple food in alpine forests.

Obviously the evolution of giant pandas is successful. They are not only selling the weak animals, the giant pandas will climb trees, and the speed of running in the rugged and lush mountain forests exceeds the sprint speed of humans on the track and field.

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They are physically strong and powerful, with powerful jaws and canines, sharp and strong claws, and still maintain the powerful fighting power of the bears. Only the takins and Asian brown bears can fight more powerfully than the giant pandas in the giant panda habitat. And the black bears dare not provoke the panda.

Breeding Ability

The breeding ability of giant pandas is really very poor. One child can only produce 1-2 babies. Because bamboo nutrition is too low, the giant panda baby is a premature baby. It is only about 150g, but most of the wild panda mothers can only feed one. Only young, and the success rate is very low. This is also the reason for the difficulty of artificial breeding of giant pandas, but in fact this kind of reproductive capacity is completely enough for the pandas to proliferate healthily in the wild.

Therefore, the giant panda can actually adapt to the environment and proliferate healthily, unless the earth's climate and environment suddenly change drastically.

Giant pandas have lived happily in the forest, along with leopards, clouded leopards, badgers, wolves, black bears, brown bears and other beasts, takins, golden monkeys, red pandas, Sichuan hawthorn and other star species, as well as the deer, Satays such as sambar, gazelle, goral, and wild boar.

The Reasons of Pandas' Extinction

But why are giant pandas now becoming extinct species?

Since the industrial civilization, the population has increased substantially, and people have continued to expand their territories. In order to develop the economy, a large number of pandas inhabited by the pandas have been cut down, or mining, and a large number of mountain people enter the mountains to hunt, collect bamboo shoots, dig drugs, graze, wild The living space of the pandas is constantly being squeezed, and a large amount of human interference reduces their reproductive success rate. Human roads extending in all directions and more and more farmland, towns, villages, and plantations divide the habitat of giant pandas into numerous pieces. Giant pandas between different fragments are not free to marry, resulting in inbreeding of giant pandas. It is these factors that make giant pandas increasingly rare.

While the giant pandas are decreasing, the living conditions of the giant pandas are not optimistic, and the common herbivores are much reduced. The large and group of herbivores such as takin and sambar have disappeared in some areas, and the clouded leopard, Leopards and crickets have disappeared from most of the giant panda habitats.

Therefore, the endangerment of giant pandas is not because they are not adapted to the environment, but because humans destroy and encroach on their habitats, resulting in reduced habitats, reduced habitat quality, and fragmentation of habitats, so what we must do. To make up for our faults, and to protect giant pandas is to protect their habitat.

In addition, according to some data, many plants are evolving from the perspective of human beings, and the survival of the fittest may have a greater chance of survival by things that humans like.


I think the title of the subject is: If there is no human help, in the natural state, will the panda be extinct? I feel that if no foreigners found it in the last century, it might have been extinct. The reason is as the title says, under the production capacity. However, due to the pleasing shape, the panda has become a symbol of Chinese culture (although it seems that Japan has a small amount), and it has received more attention and protection. Therefore, extinction is unlikely. Then it is said that the panda's reproductive ability is low. Most of the low reproductive capacity is only in the condition of captivity. The mountains in the wild are uneven, the height is poor, the pandas are more likely to conceive; the captives are mostly flat. No height difference is a very important problem that causes captive pandas to be conceived low.

Updated: Feb 22, 2024
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The Extinction of Pandas and Whether We Should Protect Them. (2024, Feb 28). Retrieved from

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