The Effects of Cigarette Smoke Ban in the United States

For many years our country has been brought up smoking cigarettes and until the past 50 years our society has excepted it without any complaint. Now since studies have found that smoking does cause cancer increased heart disease and many other health problems tabacco companies are now on the run from the Government. Smoking has now been banned in almost every Bar, Restaurant, and Night Club, and Airplanes. The reason it has been banned is because second hand smoke has also been found to cause lung cancer in people.

In the nineteen fifties cigarettes were produced in the same way that they were in the eighteen nineties. Shortly after the nineteen fifties the cigarette companies producing cigarettes at a faster rate because the demand, became much greater. The cigarette rolling machine and the advertising combined together made the tabacco companies stronger than they had ever been. Early in the nineteen fifties there were some scientific tests that had taken place involving mice and the correlation between cancer and cigarette smoke.

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A top executive from Liggett & Myers (F.R. Darkis) Who had seemed excited about the project, wanted to perform tests on mice to see whether or not the cigarettes from Liggett & Myers Also known as the Chester Company would cause cancer in mice.

All of the studies that had taken place were kept as a secret and did not go outside of company walls, although if the studies had proven to be negative Liggett & Myers would have launched a massive advertising campaign revealing the results of the test.

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And stating those Liggett & Myers products did not promote cancer in any way. In 1955 Ligget & Myers after completing the test found that thier cigarettes caused tumors in mice as well as brand X did, which was used by Dr. Wynder, who was hired to do the experiment by Liggett & Myers. Once complete a stamp was placed on the experiment papers saying Limited Confidential. Dr. Arthur Little was quoted as saying.

There are biologically materials present in cigarette tabacco which are Cancer causing, Cancer promoting, Poisonous, Stimulating, pleasurable, and favorable. The government began questioning the companies why such a research was being done. They failed to get answers other than in a broad sense. Through this time of hardship for the tabacco companies they and taken major abuse from the government.

By 1975 the companies had designed and tested Safer cigarettes, with filters that would extract all of the carcinogens from the tabacco before inhalation. But with these the companies were going through financial difficulty. The cost of a Safer cigarette was too much to keep up, and safer cigarettes were done. In 1984 De Noble said the Department of chiefs told everyone not to discuss any of their work, and also told them not to even think about publishing any of the findings. De Noble said the statement, because it was to be made sure that the Companies findings never left the building. Shortly after the scientist that had been working on the projects had passed away and the widow of one doctor revealed what she had been told about the projects that were worked on.

The Coalition for Accountability is a new organization of tobacco control experts that has been formed to provide guidance to the American public during the current cycle of "Tobacco Settlement" bills now before Congress. We how have a critically important opportunity to create meaningful national legislation on tobacco in order to stop the ongoing carnage in our society caused by tobacco products.

Congress must preserve all currently available avenues for citizens, governments and others to pursue justice against the tobacco industry, including the ability to bring class actions, use all lawful means to join cases, and seek punitive damages. Tobacco executives, lawyers and agents must not be shielded from civil or criminal liability. The civil justice system's ability to address industry misconduct and protect public health must not be preempted.

Hopefully soon a great reduction will take place in the amount of cigarette smokers statistics state millions of people who are living and smoking today with die from lung cancer later in there life. And if the people do not die from lung cancer they will contract some other type of disease associated with smoking such as heart disease.

Updated: Apr 05, 2023
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The Effects of Cigarette Smoke Ban in the United States essay
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