The Effect of Hope Therapy in Hope of Diabetic Patients

Hope therapy increases the motivation and behavioral changes in diabetic patients. Hope increases the mental efficacy and patient able to better understand in taking decision. LITERATURE SEARCH Most of the study shows that 80% patients are highly affected from diabetes due to lack of hope therapy. 45% are not participating in self care behaviors with diabetes which are not predicting good outcomes. Results revealed that 50% are in psychosis not have good healthy eating, physically energetic, monitoring of blood sugar, complication from medicine, bad issue-solving skills, poor dealing skills and risk-reduction behaviors (BROWN 2014) Furthermore according to the study of (Onyeanusi, 2017) the level of hope therapy in patient very lowest.

60% diabetes behaviors are poor 30% at risk of diabetes in order to unsuccessful management of the disease on their own.35% have bad glycemic control, decrease the complications and improvement in quality of life.

In addition, 55% are not only performing daily routine activities and keep isolated themselves by surrounding areas. 47% of patients not make any dietary and lifestyle modifications.

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42% have lower level of self-confidence which lead to a successful behavior change(Onyeanusi 2017). In Pakistan study show insufficient hope therapy 85% patients developed hemorrhagic stroke, 32.5% of the individuals suffered from lacunar infarcts. 66.3% have in emotional problems such as depression and anxiety, loses their quality of life, care behaviors, and decreases blood sugar level among diabetic patient’s .22.8% patients ignore lifestyle behavior due to low level of socio-economic development(Binaei N 2016). (Abdolali, Fatemeh et al. 2018) 34.32% of oldernot to take proper meal and not have good personal hygienic no one help them .

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More than 50% of patients are unknown about the disease and health circumstances. 44% also don’t know that hope is very important for quality of life. 50% don’t know proper management of diabetes care (Abdolali, Fatemeh et al. 2018).

Although results reveal fromIran in 2018 due to poor hope therapy 60% of patients are have negative effect on physical health as well as psychological status, life quality reduction and therapeutic costs .56% in stress and mental conditions which are risk factor for health also 40% are effects metabolic system and imbalance the blood sugar control.20% Poor glycemic control influences the psychological health.74% Beside stress, depression, anxiety, mental disorders. 35% are in Social dysfunction, life expectancy reduction, suicide, anorexia, insomnia, exhaustion, and have no hope for life(Sorbi, Sadeghi et al. 2018). In the developed countries the level of hope therapy is very poor. In the study of United States and Europe40% decrease in self-care level, quality of life, behavior changes, ignored health-related domains and general health problems. 32% Patient don’t cope against disease process and all time have the fear of death. 42% don’t have healthier lifestyles behaviors which protect them against diseases, 38% don’t follow the medical instructions (Duru, Middleton et al. 2018)

A quasi experimental study was conducted to assess the use of hope therapy program in the patients of diabetes for depression and improvement of mood status. Positive psychology can not only create positive resources but can also impact negative symptoms. The use of this approach of psychotherapy, positive psychology, and the hope plan in Islam which focuses on the intrinsic needs of humans, such as hope, and have benefits to patients with chronic diseases with DM. In this studies it is improvement for mood status and reduction of depression through hope and hope therapy(Firouz KhalediSardashti 2018). This study shows that Hope is positive motivational state of mental for further planning to reach the goalsHope therapy has positive effect on individuals and it is multidimensional, dynamic, powerful healing factor for the patient of DM.(Tayyebeh Ilaghi 2017) The study was carried out to assess the need of patients to make changes in and daily routine. The empowerment of philosophy is important for patients need (Harvey 2015)and psychosocial skills to achieve.

Updated: Aug 12, 2021

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