Alka-Seltzer tablets

Categories: MedicareMedicineWater

The Q10 theory states that with every 10 °C rise in temperature, the rate of reaction will double, so therefore I predict that with every 10 °C rise in temperature the rate of reaction will approximately double. Therefore I have decided to increase the temperature by 10 °C each time to see whether the results that I obtain support my prediction. From my preliminary work I obtained some results. I plotted those results on a graph to help with my prediction.

Alka - Seltzer tablets

The input variable I am testing is temperature.

The output variable that will change as a result of this is the time.  A heat mat, a tripod, a gauze and a Bunsen Burner will all be taken. The Bunsen Burner (connected to the gas supply) will be placed onto the heat mat, the tripod will be placed over the Bunsen Burner and the gauze will be placed on top of the tripod. This set up will be used to heat the tap water.  A 400ml beaker will then be taken and filled with 150ml of tap water.

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This will be measured using a 100ml measuring cylinder and a 50ml measuring cylinder.

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I decided to use a measuring cylinder because it is the most accurate source of measuring equipment available to me at school. I will use the same size beaker and the same volume of tap water for each experiment to ensure that the experiment is fair.  A 250ml beaker will then be taken and filled with 100ml of tap water. I will measure this using a 100ml measuring cylinder. I decided to use a measuring cylinder because it is the most accurate source of measuring equipment available to me at school.

I will use the same size beaker and the same volume of tap water for each experiment to ensure that the experiment is fair.  The 250ml beaker (containing the 100ml of tap water) will then be placed into the 400ml beaker (containing the 150ml of tap water). This will be my water bath, which I will use to vary the temperature. I will use a water bath for all the temperatures to ensue that it is a fair test.

In the 250ml beaker I decided to use 100ml for a couple of reasons.

  • Firstly because I am using a 250ml beaker, the height of the water has to high enough for the tablet to react properly, therefore 50ml or 20ml is not a sufficient volume.
  • Secondly if I chose 150ml then the reaction may take place too quickly, therefore the results I get may not be very accurate.  In the 400ml beaker I am going to use 150ml so that it is enough to cover the 250 ml beaker that is going to be placed in the 400ml beaker. A splint will then be taken, which will be used to light the Bunsen Burner (which will be on a safety flame). The Bunsen Burner will be used to heat up the water bath.  A thermometer will then be taken and placed into the 250ml beaker. This is done so that the temperature can be measured and later recorded.

A timer is then obtained so that the time for the Alka - Seltzer tablet to dissolve can be recorded.  The Bunsen Burner will then be turned onto a roaring flame to heat the water bath.  The water bath will then be taken and placed on top of the gauze. This is done to heat the water bath.  Once the temperature reaches 20 °C, one Alka - Seltzer tablet will be dropped into the 250ml beaker, (just above the water line) and the timer is started. It will be dropped into the beaker for each experiment just above the water line, so that it is a fair experiment.

This will be the first temperature that will be investigated.  The beaker will then be taken off the gauze using a tong, (so that I do not burn my hands) but it will remain in the water bath. This is so that it maintains its temperature.  The timer will then be stopped when the Alka - Seltzer tablet has completely dissolved and the time will be recorded and so will the temperature. I consider the point at which the tablet dissolves, is the point at which the tablet stops bubbling on the surface of the water.  The 250ml beaker will then be taken out off the 400ml beaker and both of them will be washed thoroughly.

This is to make sure they are completely clean for the next temperature, therefore making sure the experiment is fair.  The rest of the temperatures will then be investigated using the same method as above.The temperatures to be investigated are  C and 80°C. I have chosen these temperatures so that there will be enough results over a suitable range to plot a decent graph For each temperature I have decided to do five replicates. This is so that I can ensure the highest possible amount of accuracy in the given time.

This experiment contains many possible accidents that may occur:  I might get burnt on the Bunsen Burner  I might get burnt on the tripod  I might get burnt on the gauze.  I might get burnt touching the hot beaker.  I might spill the beaker full of hot water. I might break the thermometer. I might break the beaker.

Method update

In this experiment I have taken all the safety precautions necessary. I wore my safety goggles throughout the experiment. I also wore an apron throughout the experiment. While working with the equipment I was very careful in making sure that I did not break them or use them in the wrong way.

It is clear from my table that I have kept all the other variables constant. I did this to ensure that the experiment is a fair test. I kept the size of the beaker constant, I kept the volume of water constant and I used only one alka - seltzer tablet for every temperature. I have recorded all the raw data from my experiment. I have also used a suitable range of temperatures and a suitable interval between the temperatures. I have also used the correct form of units and shown the replicates of each temperature in my results table.

The variable I tested was temperature. From the results obtained in this experiment I have found out that the rate of reaction increases as the temperature increases, however at higher temperatures the pattern breaks down giving unreliable results. This supports my hypothesis in which I stated that,'As the temperature increases so does the rate of reaction.

However at higher temperatures the pattern will break down giving unreliable results and the trend in the graph will show this. Therefore the Alka - Seltzer tablet dropped into the hottest water may give unreliable results. 'As you can see from the graph, at 60°C the link breaks down, giving us a result that does not fit in with the general trend of results. This is not an anomalous result and there is a reason behind this.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024

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