The biggest impact on my life

Everyone has someone that touches their lives and greatly influences it. Even though through the years I have had several people that warmed my heart, I think that my mother had the biggest impact on my life. Through my mother I learned the importance of making sound choices, to never quit in life but meet responsibilities, to forgive other people and the importance of education. My mother began her loving duties as a mother by taking care of herself during her pregnancy with me.

Most mothers take care of their bodies during pregnancy, but my mother took care of herself and me really well.

I learned from her pregnancy that even though sometimes we crave things in life, we have to look beyond ourselves. Is a choice to give into a impulse going to be for the betterment of my life later? What type of impact will my choices have on others around me? I think about those questions when I am faced with a decision or want to give into a desire that is not necessarily the best long term choice for me.

Another important quality that my mother taught me was to never quit.

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My mother never had a sick day in her life. She was always busy taking caring of the family, cooking meals, doing housework, helping with homework and whatever needed to be done. I am sure that there were days that my mother would have liked to call out sick from parenting so that she could rest in bed and recover more quickly.

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Yet, my mother showed me how important it is to meet responsibilities regardless of how I am feeling on a particular day.

There were countless times that my mother would stay up later then the rest of the family to finish folding the clothes or wash the last dish left in the sink. I even remember the times that I would go to bed while my mother stayed up cooking cupcakes for my school class party the next day. She always took pride in everything that she did. I think that one of the most valuable gifts that my mother gave to me was the ability to forgive other people. Through the years, there were numerous times that I made mistakes that resulted in hurting or disappointing my mother.

Yet, my mother never lashed out at me in anger or frustration. She would not even require an apology or acknowledgement of the situation. If I wanted to talk about it, my mother would listen and encourage me to learn from the incident. A warm hug was always there for me no matter how much pain I had caused her. I cannot remember a single time that my mother would discuss past problems. She would forgive and let go of situations. My mother’s motto was that each day was a new day.

She would appropriately discipline me and I would suffer the natural consequences of my actions. I learned that I had to be accountable for how I treated others and what choices I made on a daily basis. Most importantly though as I encounter situations where I feel I have been wronged or become hurt, I remember all the times my mother forgave me. It has made forgiving other people easier in my life. Without my mother’s example throughout the years, I would not appreciate the importance of education as I do today.

My mother read to me as a child, helped me with homework in school and then encouraged me to do projects during the summer months. I did not realize it at the time but she was helping me to continue my education even when school was out. Learning was so much fun and I enjoyed the time on projects with my mother. As a result, working today does not seem like a chore but I realize the importance of bettering myself and getting education wherever I can. My mother has given so much to me through the years and has had the biggest influence on my life.

Updated: Dec 26, 2023
Essay's Scoring Result:
Expert's Assessment
The essay explores the profound impact of the author's mother on their life, delving into lessons on choices, perseverance, forgiveness, and the value of education. The narrative is cohesive, with well-structured paragraphs and a clear progression of ideas. Sentences are generally well-composed, maintaining readability. The author effectively weaves personal experiences to illustrate key points. While the essay successfully conveys the influence of the mother, some areas could benefit from more nuanced expression. Overall, it provides a heartfelt reflection on maternal influence, demonstrating a thoughtful consideration of personal growth and values.
How can you enhance this essay?
Consider enhancing the essay by incorporating more varied sentence structures to maintain engagement. Additionally, provide specific examples to illustrate the impact of your mother's teachings, making the narrative more vivid. Be cautious of repetitive phrases, such as "never quit," and strive for a more nuanced expression of the lessons learned. Consider refining transitions between paragraphs for smoother progression. Lastly, ensure a consistent tone throughout the essay to further enhance its cohesiveness.
This essay's assessment was conducted by:
Nik Johnson
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