The Beach: The Best Place To Relax

On a hot summer day, the best place to be is the beach. Have you ever been so hot you could melt, and just wanted to play in the cold, salty ocean? I have! The best feeling is the wet, grainy sand between your toes. When you go to the beach, all you see is the clear blue ocean, colorful umbrellas, and the silky white seagulls. But be careful, the seagulls will eat your food right out of your hands! Who doesn't like the beach?

If you're looking for quiet relaxation at the beach, I don't think that will work out too well.

Throughout the day, all you hear are the clear blue waves crashing against the rough yellow sand, the loud motors of the boats, and the laughter of children everywhere.

But in the morning or at night, the beach could be quite relaxing. If you want to just relax and watch the beautiful sunrise while the breeze blows your hair back, the beach in the morning is perfect for you.

The beach has many different interesting smells.

There's the smell of fruity coconut suntan lotion, the salty ocean, and the smell of delicious s'mores being roasted over the fire.

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At the beach, you can also smell the fish in the sea. With the bright sun shining down on you, you will forget all about the bad-smelling fish. Other than the smell of fish, all the other smells are really delightful.

I love the beach! All of the smells, sights, and feelings of being at the beach are the best.

The beach is a lot of fun.

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It is also a good place to go with your family and friends. As you can see, there are a lot of good things about the beach. If you have never been to the beach, you don't know what you're missing.

Alexis Gonzalez


Updated: Sep 26, 2024
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The Beach: The Best Place To Relax essay
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