Polite Greetings in Video Games for School Life

When I was 12, maybe 13, I saved up my money to buy a JRPG video game that was showcased in my monthly gaming magazine. The game itself took place in a small town where you unravel the mystery of your own past. The characters were all drastically different and all incredibly interesting. The game was separated into days where one real life second equaled one in game minute, and the days were separated into morning, daytime, afternoon, and evening. It was fully voice acted, so after the passing of an in game night I would send my character up to talk to another, and a cheerful "Good Morning!" would blast through my speakers along with a pixelated smile.

The characters would begin each dialogue with "Good Morning", "Hello", "Good Afternoon", "Good Evening", or some variation of "You're still up?". It made the whole game so much better, so from that point on I would be sure to greet people with "Good Morning" or something similar, end each meeting with "Be well" or "Have a nice day!", and have my default expression a casual smile.

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I started doing this at the beginning of the 8th grade, and from that point on, my relationship with authority improved. Teachers and security became much more likely to chit-chat with me, and they always remembered my name.

I would greet people even in passing, something as small as making eye contact with me in an empty hallway would cause me to bellow "Good Morning!". The security guards never stop me for passes, Principals always recognize me in a good way, and I actually saw my grades improve a third of a letter grade.

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This treatment extended beyond the school. I started becoming more liked and more approachable by customers at the jobs that I worked. I was noted to be one of the best clerks in my old job just because customers enjoyed talking with me. Something as small as saying "Good Morning" has drastically changed how people perceive me.

Updated: May 03, 2023
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Polite Greetings in Video Games for School Life. (2023, Apr 05). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/the-application-of-polite-greetings-from-the-video-game-to-my-everyday-life-at-school-essay

Polite Greetings in Video Games for School Life essay
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