The Analysis Of Poetic Selfs In Shakespeare's Sonnet 73 And 18

Categories: William Shakespeare

Despite standing out through the dramatic genre, Shakespeare also turned to the lyric and produced 154 sonnets that are among the most beautiful in all world literature, with diverse themes such as love, time, beauty. The poetic self in the sonnet 73, is described as an old man and on his deathbed, ('As on the death bed where it must finally expire') which also suggests that he is sick. It compares like a time of year when there are few yellow leaves falling from the branches that shake against the cold ('In me you.

.. against the cold') a reference to autumn, that is, the end of life. Easily identifiable in another verse in which he compares himself to a weak, yellow light '(I am like a glowing ember / lying on the dying flame of my youth.)' The poet is on his deathbed, consumed by love, and by time, that was once his food. This is perceived by the loved one and instead of walking away from the situation, giving up on love, makes his love stronger and more determined.

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'(... Consumed by that... before long)'.

In this sonnet, the poet affirms that love conquers death even though he is older. On the contrary, this means that the loved one does not give up and the love grows stronger.In sonnet 138, on the matter of fidelity, it is understood that the author ignores the lie of his lover, his adultery. '(But why dose she not tell me that she is unfaithful?)' He's feeling old and doesn't want to tell the truth about his age.

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'(And why do I not admit that I am old?)' Pretending to be naive, for not realizing his lies she will judge him inexperienced and young. '(That she might think I am some inexperienced youth.)' In fact, there is no loyalty. The principle of fidelity is respect for one's own beliefs and the other. When this does not happen there is a suggestion of emotional and character instability. In the sonnet, the two lovers lie to each other in some ways.

They are unfaithful in love and make mistakes trying to forget their own faults, aware of their lies. '(And the lies we each other help us forget our respective faults).'In sonnet 147, love is described as a continuous fever, '(My love is like a fever, still longing)' and it is, at the same time, a food for disease '(Feending on that which prolongs the illness).' The poet wages an inner struggle, for he desires the beloved, although this desire leads to death. And suffer from it. He cannot follow the very reason that has already abandoned him for not being heard. '(... angry that I do not follow his directions / has left me and desperate I find that desire leads to death which physic (reason).' For him his thoughts and words are like those of a madman, however, she is black as hell and dark as death. '(My thoughts and my words are like a madman's, lies foolishly uttered; for I thought you were moral and bright (shining as a star) / but you really are black as hell and dark as night ).' This love described as a physical disease, in which escapes reason is not a healthy love, which brings peace and well-being. Otherwise, it leads to doubt and despair.

Updated: Feb 22, 2024
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The Analysis Of Poetic Selfs In Shakespeare's Sonnet 73 And 18. (2024, Feb 17). Retrieved from

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