Summary: The Battle Between King Agamemnon and Triopas

Categories: Greek

The Troy is an ancient Greek epic poem. It is based on the struggles between the Greek and Troy. It is also about the events that occur at the last weeks of the ten year siege of Troy by the Greeks. The Story covers only few weeks in the final year of war. The movie Troy is by Wolfgang Peterson.

The battle between King Agamemnon of Mycenae and Triopas of Thessaly is turn away when the great warrior Achilles, fighting for Agamemnon’s army, in the end Thessaly is defeats champion in single combat.

While Prince Hector of Troy and his younger brother Paris negotiate a peace with Menelaus, King of Sparta. Paris is having an affair with Menelaus wife, Queen Helen and Helen leave Menelaus. Menelaus meet his elder brother and asks him to help take Troy. Agamemnon agree, as beat Troy will give him control of the Aegean Sea. Agamemnon asks Achilles to join them. Achilles, who strongly dislikes Agamemnon, eventually decides to go after his mother Thetis tells him that though he will die, he will be forever glorified.

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In the end the Troy Fall down.

The movie “Troy” is written by David Benioff , directed by Wolfgang Petersen and also Co-Produce by units in Malta, Mexico and Britain’s Shepperton Studios. The cast on the movie Troy, starting of with Brad Pitt, Eric Bana, Orlando Bloom, Diane Kruger, Brian Cox, Sean Bean, Brendan Gleeson and Peter O’Toole. This movie is same in the story of Homer’s Iliad and also this story is decade-long about Trojan War.

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The Troy is a huge battle scenes that I have shown, how doomed it was to be in a war. I have already known how cruel war was in the ancient time. The frightening sounds of all people crying, and the dead bodies all around the broken buildings and structures of the community proved that we could not get any benefit from war aside from glory. The actors/actresses are very convincing. Charaters that have shown only one to two traits were seen by Agamemnon and Menelaus who are greedy of power and glory. The didactic value of the movie was that one should never be mindless of the people around him, like his family, just for him to be pleasured.

The Trojan War effects us today because people are working their tales of to try and find evidence that the Trojan War happened. It provides a challenge for archaeologists trying to find evidence. People also hold lots of debates about it. It is a story that encourages people to dig down deeper and peel away the layers.

Updated: Feb 02, 2024
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Summary: The Battle Between King Agamemnon and Triopas. (2024, Feb 02). Retrieved from

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