Stress in the life of young people today

Categories: Society

Stress can sometimes be good but if it lasts for a long time it can have negative effects on us, like lack of concentration, tiredness and headaches.

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The sources of stress are different for everyone but among young people, there are still some main causes that affect almost everyone. To begin with, one of the main sources of stress among adolescents is school. Not only homework, tests and exams cause stress but also the pressure of being successful and comparing themselves to other people make them feel insecure.

In addition, parents can put a lot of pressure on their kids so they would get better grades. As a result, children may feel that however hard they try, they are still not good enough. Therefore, I believe it is important to take a break every once in a while and have fun (e.g. read, go to cinema, spend time with friends). Furthermore, thinking about future causes a lot of anxiety for youngsters.

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Most people want to be successful and have a bright future ahead of them so they are constantly worrying about how to make their dreams come true. I’ve come to the conclusion that everything will eventually work out, wether I worry or not. It is important to stay positive and do things today. To sum up, stress is an inseparable part of our lives and we need to learn how to cope with it. It is essential to relax and maintain a positive attitude. Stress can sometimes be good but if it lasts for a long time it can have negative effects on us, like lack of concentration, tiredness and headaches. The sources of stress are different for everyone but among young people, there are still some main causes that affect almost everyone. To begin with, one of the main sources of stress among adolescents is school. Not only homework, tests and exams cause stress but also the pressure of being successful and comparing themselves to other people make them feel insecure.

In addition, parents can put a lot of pressure on their kids so they would get better grades. As a result, children may feel that however hard they try, they are still not good enough. Therefore, I believe it is important to take a break every once in a while and have fun (e.g. read, go to cinema, spend time with friends). Furthermore, thinking about future causes a lot of anxiety for youngsters. Most people want to be successful and have a bright future ahead of them so they are constantly worrying about how to make their dreams come true. I’ve come to the conclusion that everything will eventually work out, wether I worry or not. It is important to stay positive and do things today. To sum up, stress is an inseparable part of our lives and we need to learn how to cope with it. It is essential to relax and maintain a positive attitude. Stress can sometimes be good but if it lasts for a long time it can have negative effects on us, like lack of concentration, tiredness and headaches.

The sources of stress are different for everyone but among young people, there are still some main causes that affect almost everyone. To begin with, one of the main sources of stress among adolescents is school. Not only homework, tests and exams cause stress but also the pressure of being successful and comparing themselves to other people make them feel insecure. In addition, parents can put a lot of pressure on their kids so they would get better grades. As a result, children may feel that however hard they try, they are still not good enough. Therefore, I believe it is important to take a break every once in a while and have fun (e.g. read, go to cinema, spend time with friends). Furthermore, thinking about future causes a lot of anxiety for youngsters. Most people want to be successful and have a bright future ahead of them so they are constantly worrying about how to make their dreams come true.

I’ve come to the conclusion that everything will eventually work out, wether I worry or not. It is important to stay positive and do things today. To sum up, stress is an inseparable part of our lives and we need to learn how to cope with it. It is essential to relax and maintain a positive attitude. Stress can sometimes be good but if it lasts for a long time it can have negative effects on us, like lack of concentration, tiredness and headaches. The sources of stress are different for everyone but among young people, there are still some main causes that affect almost everyone. To begin with, one of the main sources of stress among adolescents is school. Not only homework, tests and exams cause stress but also the pressure of being successful and comparing themselves to other people make them feel insecure. In addition, parents can put a lot of pressure on their kids so they would get better grades. As a result, children may feel that however hard they try, they are still not good enough.

Therefore, I believe it is important to take a break every once in a while and have fun (e.g. read, go to cinema, spend time with friends). Furthermore, thinking about future causes a lot of anxiety for youngsters. Most people want to be successful and have a bright future ahead of them so they are constantly worrying about how to make their dreams come true. I’ve come to the conclusion that everything will eventually work out, wether I worry or not. It is important to stay positive and do things today. To sum up, stress is an inseparable part of our lives and we need to learn how to cope with it. It is essential to relax and maintain a positive attitude. Stress can sometimes be good but if it lasts for a long time it can have negative effects on us, like lack of concentration, tiredness and headaches. The sources of stress are different for everyone but among young people, there are still some main causes that affect almost everyone.

To begin with, one of the main sources of stress among adolescents is school. Not only homework, tests and exams cause stress but also the pressure of being successful and comparing themselves to other people make them feel insecure. In addition, parents can put a lot of pressure on their kids so they would get better grades. As a result, children may feel that however hard they try, they are still not good enough. Therefore, I believe it is important to take a break every once in a while and have fun (e.g. read, go to cinema, spend time with friends). Furthermore, thinking about future causes a lot of anxiety for youngsters. Most people want to be successful and have a bright future ahead of them so they are constantly worrying about how to make their dreams come true. I’ve come to the conclusion that everything will eventually work out, wether I worry or not. It is important to stay positive and do things today. To sum up, stress is an inseparable part of our lives and we need to learn how to cope with it. It is essential to relax and maintain a positive attitude.

Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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Stress in the life of young people today essay
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