Software-Defined Network (SDN)

Categories: Network


In the past decade, mobile devices and applications have experienced an explosive growth, and users are expecting higher data rates and better quality services every year. In this project, we propose several ideas to increase the functionality and capacity of wireless networks using software-defined networking (SDN) and cloud computing technologies. Connections between users and services in networks typically have to pass through a required set of middle boxes. Where, they send the data files from the users to other services in an efficient way.

The sender side is connected to the nearest router as well as in the receiver side. The data files are send through the router where the receiver side router is connected to software-defined network (SDN) to which they get the data files as both packets and file format and which is stored in SDN. In receiver side, we can get the dataset without any duplication. The main advantage of using SDN is higher data rates, there is no missing files or any characters in data, no duplications and it is very easy to download or to view, since they are stored as packets.

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This SDN , which enables flexible policy-aware routing in the next generation networking. In addition, the high costs of middle boxes and limited capabilities of mobile devices call for revolutionary virtualization technologies enabled by cloud computing. The main objective is to steer traffic flows to minimize the total amount of traffic accepted over time, subject to capacity, budget and quality of service constraints. By using this software-defined network, we can get the dataset in an efficient manner.

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Nowadays, many users are expecting higher data rates, increased functionality , better quality and capacity for wireless services. Here we propose several ideas using software defined networking Where, they send the data files from the users to other services in an efficient way. The sender side is connected to the nearest router as well as in the receiver side. The data files are send through the router where the receiver side router is connected to software-defined network (SDN) to which they get the data files as both packets and file format and which is stored in SDN. In receiver side, we can get the dataset without any duplication. This SDN , which enables flexible policy-aware routing in the next generation networking. In addition, the high costs of middle boxes and limited capabilities of mobile devices call for revolutionary virtualization technologies enabled by cloud computing.The main objective is to steer traffic flows to minimize the total amount of traffic accepted over time, subject to capacity, budget and quality of service constraints


In Existing System, reuse any existing constrained shortest path algorithm as is, and plug it into the generic framework as a subroutine of our online routing algorithm. Traffic flow can be split into multiple paths, and the constraints are only satisfied by the average values of these paths. It differs from traditional networking in three critical ways 1.Logically centralized SDN controller to manage virtual and physical network. 2.New abstraction for virtual network and network virtualization. 3.New routing algorithm and eliminate ethernet routing and allow newer network topology.


In proposed system there is no need to use any shortest path algorithm where SDN controller is connected to the receiver side router. In SDN which holds the data set files as both packets and file format in which it has higher data rates. Our objective is to minimize the end-to-end path under network latency constraints. SDN allows a high level abstract specification of network connectivity. Services to be automatically and dynamically mapped to a set of underlying network resources.

  • User friendly
  • Higher data rates
  • No duplication
  • Compatible


  • Login module
  • Uploading file module
  • Receiver router module

Module Description

Login module

In this module which provides the login page for the admin who access and control the network that is provided by the cloud service provider.

Where, it contain the user name (admin) and the password, so that the admin can login and manage it in the cloud service provider.

This login page is used to sign in for the users who registered already if not they can register and then login to the SDN to upload files. Where the login page has the name and password to sign in.

Uploading file module

In this module the files are uploaded only after login to the SDN and the files are uploaded by choosing the required file from the documents or any other folder and also which shows the file details. In file details, it contains the details like file type, size of the file, user name and the file name .

Below that it shows the content of the file which are chosen earlier. Then send button is clicked to send the file to the receiver router. Once the file uploaded these dataset are stored in the server which is to be send through the network to the receiver sector where the dataset should be collected and other information are done.

Receiver router module

In this module, in which it receives the file or dataset by clicking on the button receive. So, we can get the file content along with the file name in the receiver router.

A wireless network takes considerably less time to install than a wired network, but it is not necessarily simpler. The location of a wireless router and its receiving devices can have a major impact on network performance.

A wireless router needs to be placed in a location where it can communicate with networked devices without signal degradation caused by interference, distance, or signal-impeding materials. There are three main considerations to keep in mind when selecting a location for your wireless router.

Spliting files

Where the uploaded files are splitted here as a packet. It splits the file according to the size of the file. Those splitted packets are checked here and send to the router

Receive and store

The splitted files are merged and then received by the SDN controller. In which it stores even the missing packets and those packets can be merged while sending to the router.

View files

The stored files are viewed here as a data set and the files are merged as a whole data set. After viewing the file which should be checked once again to check whether the packet has been lost.


Unlike the existing system, this system does not have risk of letting its data getting traced or missing of data are reduced. The system remains secured as they having the software-defined network connection with it. It also has the higher data rate when compared to the existing one. Here the user should register for uploading files. Where files are uploaded and also received by the controller.

The main objective is to steer traffic flows to maximize the total amount of traffic accepted over time, subject to capacity, budget and quality of service constraints.


The system uses only the uploading and the registration process. In future, these dataset files are splitted into packets and the viewing process in server side will be done and generated. So by which they get the data files as both packets and file format and which is stored in SDN. There is no collaboration and missing of files or any duplicates are eliminated. After uploading which can be viewed later.

Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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Software-Defined Network (SDN). (2019, Dec 05). Retrieved from

Software-Defined Network (SDN) essay
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