Soft Drinks Should Be Banned

Categories: Beverages
There is no nutritional value in soft drinks, only detrimental ingredients. They are full of sugar, most contain caffeine and they fill the stomach and take the place of good nutrients. Americans consume too many soft drinks and don't drink enough of what our bodies need...Water! Not to mention the fact that they cause obesity.

Soft drinks contain many unwanted particles and impurities. It also causes cancer. Soft drinks contain chemicals from Ajinomoto which are very harmful to our body.

. Study by the Centre for Science and Environment, an NGO, has claimed that bottled soft drinks contain deadly pesticides. Soft drink giants Coca-Cola and PepsiCo have, however, refuted the findings and are contemplating legal action against the NGO.

They should be banned!

Soft drinks are just like candies but liquid candies. They are unhealthy especially for children. Not only because the regular ones are loaded with sugar, but because of the other adverse effects all these soft drinks have on people's health.

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Not only that but soon we will have no space to walk in the streets and parks because there will be bottles and cans lying around.

YES!!!!!!!! they cause so much wrongs and problems by banning soft drinks we are getting rid of bigger problems.

Soft drinks cause mild headaches that soon become alot more then mild they become so painful that the soft drinks cause larger problems than any other substance that includes alcohol and drugs. It has also been found that soft drinks can cause memory loss and can reduce the life expectancy any individual person.

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Children that have a high intake of soft drinks tend to have shorter attention spans and therefore lower I.Qs.

Soft drinks also cause children to become obese very young I mean just look at America I'm an American citizen and I have never taken a soft drink I am very thin all my friends do and they are "huge" I'm just putting it out there that soft drinks are not good and must be banned! I think we should start with banning them in schools then public places and then everywhere!
Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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Soft Drinks Should Be Banned. (2017, Mar 15). Retrieved from

Soft Drinks Should Be Banned essay
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