Transforming Learning and Teaching Strategies

When you look up self-motivation in the dictionary it says that self-motivation is initiative to undertake or continue a task or activity without another’s prodding or supervision. Some of us are self-motivated and some of us are motivated by others. It may seem difficult to have the ambition and the drive to motivate yourself but when you take action, when you have faith, and when you have a little motivation from others, you will have the confidence to believe in yourself.

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As soon as you take action you will find out the true purpose in life. Figuring out what you want in life will make you work hard and strive without someone telling you what do. You start to realize that you are working hard for something that you want not anyone else. Also, you start to have more confidence in your beliefs. Meaning that although everyone might not go along with what you have to believe in you will still take a stand for what you believe no matter what.

You would be your number one supporter and you don’t need acceptance from anyone else because you have sureness in what you feel and in what you believe.

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Sometimes you have to accept challenges in life and go through them on your own. But when you have faith in yourself you will never doubt that you can’t do anything. Have you ever thought what would happen to your dreams and aspirations if you didn’t believe that you can accomplish them? When you have the desire to fulfill your ideas, you wouldn’t want them to be rejected because you didn’t believe in yourself. Although you are doing this for yourself you are still becoming an encouragement for others and you will get the respect from others. As well as making your own dreams come true and earning respect, faith gives you the opportunity to give yourself a pat on the back. That feeling to have positive thoughts about yourself and knowing that you have made positive progress. When you have faith in yourself you can expect good things.

Sometimes too much self-motivation can be misconstrued as someone being too confident or cocky, but with the right motivation from the right person to motivate you, that will make you improve your effort in whatever you striving for. We are all motivated in different ways; some of us need a little bit of healthy competition to boost up our confidence and to make you work harder than you competitor and gives you the ambition to win. Also, through all the obstacles you face it can be good for you to have someone there to help motivate you and keep pushing you to do your best. In the same way, it makes the journey to achievement fun and enjoyable.

Of course times will get hard and you will get frustrated but with some motivation it allows you to tolerate difficult times. In other words, self-motivation can go a long ways and can give you the confidence and the assurance in yourself to better yourself and become a better person. Also motivation from others can you give you the boost that you need to go further in whatever you plan on doing. Like late Eleanor Roosevelt said “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” Meaning for those people that have dreams and ambitions and they strived for them there will be a virtuous result in the end. If you work hard for it you will receive it.

Citations “Self-motivation.” Random House, 2012. Web. 25 November 2012. "ThinkExist." 1999-2012 Web. 25 November 2012.

Academic Motivation

After the excitement and anticipation of getting in college have passed and the semester is well in progress, have you discovered yourself less and less encouraged to study, or even to attend class? Although you have basically settled and gotten used to living far from house, making brand-new good friends, and being on your own, are you discovering that the scholastic location just does not appear to hold your interest? If this is true, maybe you require to explore your motivation in participating in college. This is frequently a complex matter and requires your honest evaluation of yourself and of your sensations.

The following tips are initial actions in analyzing your own scholastic inspirations. 1. First and most notably, ask yourself why are you in college. There are most likely several reasons, the most essential of which need to be to get an education and to expand your mind by finding out. In doing so, you eagerly anticipate increasing your value in the task market, however your immediate goal as a student is to find out as much as possible throughout your college years. Some factors which people frequently position at the top of the list, however which are normally poor factors are: a.Your moms and dads wanted you to come.

b.All your good friends pertained to college.
c.You desire to delay getting a job.
d.You wish to have fun.
e.You want to get a start as a professional athlete.
f.You wish to search for a spouse.
g.You didn't know what else to do.

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2. Begin the procedure of making a career decision as quickly as possible. It isn't essential that you make a particular decision immediately, but having a profession direction will increase your motivation. Others (including moms and dads) might have the ability to offer useful guidance, but the last choice for a career must be yours. 3. When exploring career alternatives, be REALISTIC. You should consider your capabilities, worths, and interests in examining profession choices. The truth that your fantastic uncle (or your roommate's bro) selected medicine or law as a career does not always mean that ought to be your choice. 4. When you have actually picked a profession instructions, you are then able more properly to select a significant. The course you try will start to become more relevant, and you'll be more inspired to study.

5. Examine your attitudes about college and yourself. If you positively approach your studies, your professors, your books, your fellow students, and yourself, you increase your academic motivation. A negative attitude produces negative results in performance. Beware of unexplored anger which can interfere with learning. Unresolved anger and unrealistic expectations of others only lead to frustration and disappointment. Remember, you are in charge of only one person and not of everyone you have contact with or of every situation you face. Don’t waste your energy on negative attitudes toward persons or situations you can’t control.

6. Become actively involved in the learning process. Participate in your class; be over-prepared (rather than under-prepared) for class discussions and exams. Don’t expect the professor to teach you everything. Instead make it a point to learn by additional self-directed study. As you become more involved, you tend to learn more.

7. Remember that college is not high school. If you follow the same old patterns, you may be a loser! In college you are responsible for yourself, your courses, your study hours, your social behavior, managing your time, setting limits, managing your money, and sustaining mental and physical health. Are you mature enough to handle all of this? Everyone isn’t; so, don’t feel you are a failure if you experience problems. The important thing is to recognize the problem and seek help! There are many people on campus who can help if you will look for them.

8. Make time for recreation. It is important to spend time away from studies in activities which are relaxing. Recreation and relaxation allow you to be more productive all around. 9. Set some goals. If you clearly state what you want to accomplish and how you can accomplish it, you are much more motivated and more likely to succeed. Write these goals down on paper along with concrete steps for reaching them. Then occasionally review these goals to see what success you are having. 10. Dwell on your successes and not your failures. Where is it written that you are not allowed to fail or miss the mark on occasion? Be kind to yourself and be proud of your strong points. Try to understand why you do not do other things well. Perfection is an uncomfortable companion or goal.

11. Never lose sight of the fact that you are responsible for your life and what you do with it. Problems arise when you feel like a slave. Remember, it should be your choice to be doing what you are doing. Ultimately, you are in control even when others ask or seemingly demand something of you. 12. Be flexible and adaptable. Be open to new experiences and receptive to new ways of looking at things. This allows growth and new learning.

13. Maintain a calendar or schedule. By so doing you will be aware of and better prepared for assignments and activities and can allot and schedule additional study time when needed. Keep a calendar so you’ll know when you should be more motivated. 14. Don’t expect to be motivated 100% of the time. We all have our ups and downs. Try to be aware of too many "downs," find out why, and do something about them. The suggestions offered here are only a beginning for self-examination. Motivation is a complicated matter. These suggestions may be enough to help you become aware of what is affecting your motivation—or lack of it—but if you’d like further exploration, give us a call at 348-5175 or visit the Center for Academic Success, 124 Osband Hall.

Reflective Essay on Learning and Motivation

This reflection essay relates to the learning and teaching theories discussed in the course work. The study begins with an overview that presents a narrative of my evolution as a learner. The subsequent sections present a description of motivational attributes of an effective teaching strategy implemented in classroom setting. The study also offers a summary of the strategies that can be adopted in order to make a successful learning experience in college. I attended an educational system where schooling was based on traditional teaching systems. Teaching approaches were similar to the approach of a “banking model.” The school’s procedure depicted the teachers’ roles as depositing correct information to the learners to a point that it was needed. I began preparing for an end or term exam in my first year in the school by revising material offered to us severally. I did not have any notion why I had to learn the material (Zhang, 2009). Therefore, my life in the school and my learning experiences were done through “rote learning.” The school system made emphasis on performance objectives over learning goals. During my third week in the school, I encountered an experience that changed my approach and motivation to learning.

The experience came about after and encountered with my third year English 101 tutor, Mr. Rickie. He was very smart he had a good grounding on issues of English and career advice. His past engagements in learning and curriculum development allowed me to be consistent and relevant to learning motivation. The year was marked by class members taking the class as passive and engaged in class games instead of concentrating during class sessions (Zhang, 2009). The fourteenth week of the class people started seeing the sense of paying attention during class sessions, and we started enjoying French. The students’ attitude to the class took a different turn due to the measures he took to change the learning atmosphere. First, Mr. Rickie made the class lively through “activity setting” on Wednesday classes. The students were separated into manageable groups of five each. Students from each group were dressed to fit the roles assigned to their respective groups. The class also created these situations as role-plays. In subsequent week, Mr. Rickie asked us about our goals as well as professions we dreamt to pursue after our education. For instance, my group took the assignment of having meetings with professionals.

The day the group took to play a role, I opted to play a lawyer. My group had prepared to meet within a restaurant and conversations were to be in English. Teachers who use such an approach consider teachers and students as co-constructors of knowledge through meaningful ways. The approach to learning considers the environment as well as role of peers in through interactions of questioning, interpreting, and listening to others’ ideas. Teachers using the learning strategy take into consideration students’ different understanding levels and diverse learning styles in eliciting ideas (Benson, 2008). The process through which students embraces opportunities of generating various ideas and clarifying their own enables reflection on provisions of fellow students. The past academic year presented me with an opportunity to address a graduate level course in Radford University. I observed a critical difference among the students through implementing diverse teaching styles.

The goal of making thing classroom more interactive and motivated is a topic of discussion where groups review materials covered. In conclusion, my illustration of effective teaching strategies includes contributions and roles of teachers facilitating and co-constructing knowledge (Benson, 2008). The ultimate learning motivation includes active inclusion of students in course activities. Classrooms that embrace effective teaching strategies uphold the principles of diverse learning styles and the realization that students encounter differences in their levels of understanding.

Updated: Mar 22, 2023
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Transforming Learning and Teaching Strategies essay
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