School as a Learning Process and My Mindset to Success

Self motivation along with a growth mindset are the building blocks of success to overcome any adversities or obstacles that may get in the way. I'm not going to sit here and say that if someone were to have those two qualities its going to instantly work, but I can guarantee it will help with anything difficult that someone will face. Personally, when it comes to school, which is sort of tough for me to stay dedicated to, I've learned that it's a whole learning process.

If I'm not engaged in the subject, I wont be interested and I will not want to learn. So staying focused is the main part of success to a growth mindset. The two articles by Carol S. Dweck and Rebecca D Cox, they both describe how to maintain a certain mindset to stay on the path of success. (Take step further) (Add Dweck and Cox ideas about mindset) *introduce definition after first sentence. Thesis: When I started at Cal State Fullerton I came in with a growth mindset because I figured out that a growth mindset is necessary to succeed.

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Growth mindset through baseball and help me develop a growth mindset.huge impact on my life has been baseball from an early age, ever since I started plying in at the age of three. The game of baseball is built on a Pedi-stool of failure, in which we the players are trying to perfect a game that is meant for us to fail. Since there is so much failure, I've became accustomed to dealing with some much failure at a young age which has geared me for the future.

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But the experience wasn't enough because when I walked on this campus, baseball was another culture and nature that I'm not used to yet.

Expand on the type of baseball and culture The main thing I focus on is learning from older guys that have played here including the juniors and seniors because they were in the same place as I was once standing in. Explain life lessons learned / Explain what has done for me, how its helped mindset Or take some advice that will help you later on. If someone is willing to help with anything then taking it and gaining knowledge is one thing that money can't buy. Failure is always going to occur, but learning from it is what keeps the mind working. Fear is an asset to many that holds back quiet confidence from within. Getting over that fear is a mission but once its overcame, the journey becomes that much easier. I continue to earn from my mistakes and failure is what has helped me with my growth mindset today. Unfortunately, when it comes to education, my mindset sort of changes in a little direction.

Specify Not necessarily my mindset changes, it more of I'm not as passionate about school as I am with other things. Getting my degree at Cal State Fullerton is my number one priority and doing other extracurricular are a bonus. It's hard to keep a steady mind when balancing all of these things because truthfully, school is a tough subject. But as a child, I was always encouraged to learn and I eventually bought into the fact that learning is a great attribute for my future. As school got a little harder, my mindset started to deflate because my mind would be going in a million directions.

Dealing with the fact that something was difficult for the first time in my life was a challenge for me. At that moment I came to realization that when life gets tough quitting can't be my only choice. Life is a choice that one will make the best of, and the direction of success is strictly based on the story of a strict goal. Education is a gift and is only prepping you towards that goal, whatever it may be. Some of the best advice my friend gave me was, "Education will last you a lifetime, but the little things in life will only last as a memory”. To get the point across, education should not be taken for granite and should be taken advantage of to prepare for a successful future. Currently, since college has begun, I've gotten my act together and have adjusted to expanding a growth mindset. Success is calling my name and my goal is to attack it as aggressively as possible. I have always been taught to strive to the top and be the best I can be.

Growth mindset individuals should have the same attitude because learning is a gift. Ever since I have become dedicated to working and teaching myself to accept failure life became a lot easier. Moving on from something and taking what needs to be soaked up is mandatory. Adjusting will be the hard part, but with great failure comes with an even greater success. I've improved all aspects of my life when I saw that failure was eating my life away. I can't feel sorry for myself when it's something I can't control. Evidently, adjusting to a growth mindset has calmed me down as a person and has made me influence others around me to be positive. I've also been lenient about taking other's suggestions about my life and using those comments to fuel my fire fore learning and my success as my life comes along.

Growing up requires a lot of patience and along with a growing mindset it will continue to change from time to time. Its all about adjusting which is one asset in life that will always have to happen for someone to compete with the rest of the world. Without any type of change, nothing will ever go in a positive direction. Everyone will handle failure in a different manner but it the ones that are willing to push through the obstacles are the ones who will be successful and content with life. I've personally seen that I have matured with adversity, and I've been told that I'm a hard worker which motivates me because I know I'm doing something right. The flame will keep getting bigger as the confidence keeps climbing higher. Overcoming fear is the main thing people can't get over quite yet. Overcoming fear is one of the hardest challenges a human-being can do, very few can call themselves fearless in today's society. Its all about the mindset and what it means to overcome defeat in life. The learning process is a never ending one because there is no finish line LoForte 4 when it comes to being successful. The choice is yours, to go down the road of winners or pick the path of a fixed mindset and never wanting to reach the bets of your ability.

Updated: Dec 18, 2022
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School as a Learning Process and My Mindset to Success essay
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