Sample Response to Editorial

Categories: EducationLearning

Should a whole class of students be impeded in their learning if among their classmates decides to have a day off school? I believe not, and the bulk of parents and trainees would think the very same. Nevertheless in her 12/2/2013 post about the government's Truancy Charge Susie O'Brien would have you believe that missing a few days of school really isn't that huge of a deal which actually the parents should be the ones deciding what's best for their child not the state federal government.

Her basic ignorance and inability to look beyond the superficial has amazed me and I hope has shocked numerous other readers too.

But simply in case you didn't, I feel it is my obligation as an industrious student to inform you as why we can not afford to have anymore people believing the very same way as Ms O'Brien. To start with she states that by allowing a child to miss a day of school it can actually benefit the child.

I hope you find the rather entertaining since I sure do.

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Missing out on a day of school for whatever reason can never ever benefit a kid this is since he will now be one day behind in terms of finding out then the rest of his class and due to the fact that of this we either have one of two results.

Either the child has to catch-up with the studies in his own time or the rest of the class has to wait for him to catch-up.

In the fast paced and progressive environment of school education isn’t it safe to assume that the child will have to spend the same amount of time outside of school catching up with the rest as he would have if he attended school? This is severely detrimental the psychological wellbeing of the child as well as his ability to learn, as he now has to spend time outside of school completing homework for the current school day as well as the homework and classwork of the day he missed.

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Surely putting this much pressure on a student is unreasonable and would understandably cause the child a fair amount of unnecessary stress. Furthermore is it fair to say that the child will be able to absorb the information of two days of education in one and expect there to be no difference in how well he retains said information? I think not. Now if I haven’t already convinced you of the detrimental effects of missing a day of school. University of Virginia researcher Sarah Hastedt has discovered that 10 days of schools closure reduced math and reading performance on the Virginia Standards of Learning exams by 0.2 standard deviations.

So one can only imagine what would happen to your child if they skipped a full term just as you hope to do Ms O’Brien. As for having time off school to act as a reward for working hard and to relax, I believe that is what most of us believe school holidays are for. But shouldn’t it be the parent’s decision whether or not they choose to put large amounts of unnecessary stress on their child and hinder his or her learning? Susie says it is A-Okay. However even if we assume that it’s okay, their decision is affecting the learning of other students in their child’s class. For example the teacher of said class would no doubt have to explain to the child who missed a day of school what work he has missed as well as try to teach him how to complete the tasks missed, to give the poor child even a shred of hope in catching up with the rest of the class. At this point ladies and gentlemen I ask you to think about where the government has jurisdiction to intervene with the actions of its people, this just cause being when the actions of one person or individual affects the wellbeing or freedom of those around them. In this case the rest of the class, so Susie the country doesn’t revolve around you and what you think is best for your child.

So do excuse the government for not ‘leaving you alone’ when they simply are trying to protect the wellbeing of those around you and your child. So I will conclude by addressing the only interesting and probably the only moderately thought through point you have made in your article, that students don’t do much in the last few days of school before holidays. This is very true, but pulling them out of school to have an early holiday isn’t the solution. Instead we should make sure that in these last few days of school students are still receiving and education rather than just mucking around.


Updated: Sep 26, 2024
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