Role of housekeeping department in hospitality

The house keeping department in a hotel essentially deals with the cleanliness in a hotel. Accommodation in hotels tend to be the largest part of the hotel, it is the most revenue generating department, the housekeeping department takes care of all rooms is often largest department hotels. The guests feel comfortable in a environment which is clean and well ordered. duty of housekeeping department and the satisfied customer visits the hotel again, by this way housekeeping department helps to increase the revenue of the hotel.

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Housekeeping is an important and integral part of the guest experience and satisfaction.

Other things such as security are important, but what guests really want is to feel at home, to feel comfortable.

Although the staff providing this service do not necessarily interact directly with the public, the quality of their work is critical in shaping guests’ pleasant memories of their stay. The impact of the housekeeping function on the success of a hotel’s operations cannot be underestimated, since large revenue for hotel industry is generated mainly from the sale of rooms.

Good housekeeping is the foundation of good infection prevention.

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The general cleanliness and hygiene of a facility are vital to the health and safety of guests, staff, and visitors. Pleasant work environment contributes to staff members' satisfaction, making them to be more productive. A more pleasant environment improves guest . IMPORTANCE OF HOUSEKEEPING

1. Comfort: Achieve the maximum efficiency possible in the care and comfort of the guests and in providing support services for the smooth running of the hotel. Every hotel spends a lot of effort in ensuring the quality of beds, mattresses, channel music, TV, air conditioner if applicable, attached bar etc. The comforts must be regularly maintained and should be properly functioning. It is the duty of the housekeeping department to ensure comfort and a welcoming atmosphere to the guests as well as strive to extend courteous, reliable and satisfactory service from staffs of all departments.

2. Cleanliness and Hygiene: Ensure a high standard of cleanliness and general upkeep in all areas. the wash rooms, toilets, pool changing room, health club, etc.

3. Privacy: The prime concern of any guest, irrespective of whether rich or poor, common man or celebrity, is privacy. Housekeeping staffs ensure the privacy of the guests and they should be trained with proper procedures to enter the room.

4. Safety and Security: Security is one of the prime concerns of a hotel guest. The housekeeping department staffs should ensure the safety and security of the guests with the help of security services. They should also make sure that fire fighting equipments and emergency alarms are functional at all times. They should also ensure peace, quiet and noise free atmosphere in the area.

5. Décor: Creating a pleasant and classy ambience is also one of the major concerns for a guest. This is not easy and requires a good eye for detail. This work is an art and the housekeeping, florist. Staff is mainly responsible for creating a pleasant atmosphere.

Housekeeping department holds the responsibility of cleaning, maintenance and admirable upkeep of the hotel. The main functions of housekeeping are overall cleanliness, bed making, ensuring maintenance of the building and its infrastructure, laundry, linen management, key control, pest control, safety and security of the guests as well as the infrastructure and interior decoration. All this ensure the ambience and promotes a congenial environment. S.O.P

bed making, cleaning bathroom tiles and mirror ,cleaning shower curtain and bath tub, cleaning the sink and vanity area, control desk activities, corridor cleaning and minibar maintenance ,dusting the gust room, entering the room greet the guest, floor pantry maintenance and cleaning, key control procedures, lost and found procedures, packing for out of order rooms, preparing the guest room for cleaning, restocking the bath room supplies ,taking the message and complaint handling ,trolley setting ,turn down service /evening service, vacuuming and dusting the fabrics ,cleaning the wc, loading the washers, sorting the uniforms and linens.

Updated: Sep 26, 2024
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